
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - be-wyrcan

According to the Old English Dictionary:

-weorcean, bi-wyrcan;

p. -worhte, pl. -worhton; pp. -worht To work, work in, insert, make, build, cover, adorn; elaborare, immittere, facere, ædificare, inducere, exornare :-- Bewyrc us on heortan Háligne Gást work the Holy Ghost into our hearts, Hy. 7, 79; Hy. Grn. ii. 288, 79. Ne wát ic mec beworhtne wulle flýsum I know not that I was made with fleeces of wool, Exon. 109 a; Th. 417, 11; Rä. 36, 3. He lǽmen fæt biwyrcan hét he commanded to make an earthen vessel, 74 a; Th. 277, 3; Jul. 575. Babylónia is mid stǽnenum wíghúsum beworht Babylon is built with stone towers, Ors. 2, 4; Bos. 44, 30 : Jos. 2, 1. Se mid weaxe beworhte he covered it with wax, Ors. 2, 5; Bos. 46, 30. Ða téþ on golde bewyrc cover the teeth with gold, Med. ex Quadr. 1, 1; Lchdm. i. 326, 16. Seó cwén ða róde héht golde beweorcean the queen commanded to adorn the cross with gold, Elen. Kmbl. 2045; El. 1024. be-wyrcan