
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - bed

According to the Old English Dictionary:

bedd, es ;

n. I. a BED, couch, pallet; stratum, lectus :-- Hí ðá inasendon ðæt bed, ðe se lama on læg, Mk. Bos. 2, 4; thei senten doun the bedd, in whiche the sike man lay, Wyc. To ðínum bedde to thy bed, Gen. 16, 2. II. a bed in a garden; pulvillus vel areola in hortis : used in compounds, as Wyrt-bedd a wort bed, Herb, 7, 1; Lchdm. i. 96, 22 : Hreód-bedd a reed bed, 8, 1; Lchdm. i. 98, 13. [Plat. O. Sax. Dut. bed, n : Ger. bett, bette, n : M. H. Ger. bette, n : O. H. Ger. petti, n : Goth. badi, n : Dan. bed : Swed. bädd, n : O. Nrs. beðr, m. According to Grm. Wrtbch. i. 1722 connected with A. Sax. biddan : Goth. bidjan? for which he suggests the original meaning to lie on the ground; humi jacere.] DER, bed, bedd, -bolster, -clýfa, -cófa, -felt, -ian, -ing, -ling, -reáf, -reda [-rida], -rest, -stede, -þéen, -tíd : gebed, -clýfá, -scipe. bed