Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - bysmrung
According to the Old English Dictionary:
bysmerung, e;
- bysmrung
- f. [bismer, bysmer infamy, blasphemy] Deceit, infamy, blasphemy; illusio, infamia, blasphemia :-- Ðeós bysmrung nis to ondrǽdanne hæc illusio non est timenda, Bd. 1, 27; S. 496, 39, 41: 497, 6. Is on ðære ylcan bysmrunge swýde nýdþearflíc gesceád est in eadem illusione valde necessaria discretio, 1, 27; S. 496, 34, 21. Hió hyre firenluste fulgán ne móste bútan manna bysmrunge she could not fulfil her wicked desire without the infamy of mankind, Ors. 1, 2; Bos. 27, 14. Ealle sinna synd manna bearnum forgyfene, and bysmerunga, ðám ðe hí bysmeriaþ omnia dimittentur filiis hominum peccata, et blasphemiæ, quibus blasphemaverint, Mk. Bos. 3, 28. bysmrung