Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - cennan
According to the Old English Dictionary:
cænnan. cynnan;
- part. -nende; p. de; pp. ed; I. to beget, conceive, create, bring forth; gignere, creare, facere, parere :-- Ic to-dæg cende ðé ego hodie genui te, Ps. Spl. 2, 7. Sceal, ic nú eald wíf, cennan shall I, now an old woman, conceive? Gen. 18, 13. Iob sunu Waldendes freónoman cende Job gave [created, made] a noble name to the Lord's son, Exon. 17a; Th. 40, 9; Cri. 636. Ðam wæs Judas nama cenned to him was given [created, made] the name Judas, Elen. Kmbl. 1170; El. 587: Ps. Th. 73, 7. Heó cende hyre frumcennedan sunu peperit filium suum primogenitum, Mt. Bos. 1, 25. II. to bring forth from the mind , to declare, choose, ascribe, clear, prove; advocare, confiteri, adscribere, purgare, manifestare :-- Gif he cynne ðæt he hit bohte if he declare that he bought it, L. Edg. S. 11; Th. i. 276, 12, MS. F. Ic me to cyninge cenne Iudas I chose Judah to me for a king, Ps. Th. 107, 8. We deórwyrþne dǽl Dryhtne cennaþ we ascribe the precious lot to the Lord, Exon. 35a; Th. 113, 8; Gú. 154. Cenne he hwanon hit him cóme let him declare whence it came to him, L. Eth. ii. 8; Th. i. 288, 14, 21, 22, 23, 25. Gif he cenþ ðæt he hit bohte if he declare that he bought it, L. Edg. S. 10; Th. i. 276, 6. Mynstres aldor hine cænne in preóstes canne let the chief of a monastery clear himself with a priest's clearance, L. Wih. 17; Th. i. 40, 13: 22 ; Th. i. 42, 3: L. Edg. S. 11; Th. i. 276, 12. [Piers P. kennen, kenne to teach: Chauc. kennen to know: R. Brun. ken to know: Laym. kenne, kennen to know, make known, acknowledge: Orm. kennedd begotten: O. Sax. kennian gignere, cognoscere: Frs. kinnen: O. Frs. kanna, kenna to know: Dut. Ger. M. H. Ger. kennen to know: O. H. Ger. kannjan: Goth. kannyan to make known: Dan. kjende: Swed. känna: Icel. kenna to know, teach.] DER. a-cennan, ge-, on-. cennan