
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - cwylmian

According to the Old English Dictionary:

part. cwylmigende; p. ode; pp. od [cwealm pain, torment] To suffer, suffer torment or pain; cruciāri :-- Heó sceal écelíce cwylmian it [the soul] shall suffer eternally, Homl. Th. ii. 232, 29. Ða mánfullan beóþ ǽfre cwylmigende on helle súsle the sinful shall ever be suffering pain in hell torment, 608, 11. We cwylmiaþ we suffer torment, 416, 5. Gehwylce mánfulle geféran on ðám écum tintregum cwylmiaþ all wicked associates shall suffer in everlasting torments, i. 526, 27. cwylmian