
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - innan

According to the Old English Dictionary:

Add: A. as adverb. I. local, within, inside. (l) in reference to a place or thing :-- Gif hé þone oxan innan betýnan nolde, Ll. Th. i. 48, 31. Sió sunne ne mæg ealle gesceafta innan geondscínan, Bt. 41, l ; F. 244, 9. Ufan hit is enge and hit is innan hát, Dóm. 22 : 6. 2412. Heó is innan mid éce mægene geweorþod. Bl. H. 197, ii: Gen. 1366. (2) in reference to a person, within the body :-- Þá smalan wyrmas ðone man ge innan ge útan werdaþ, Bt. 16, 2 ; F. 52, 12. Gíf men innan wyrmas eglen, Lch. l. 82, 22. (2 a) where the non-physical part of man is in question, mind, heart, soul :-- Heora heortan beóð innan gemanode, Bl. H. 129, 8. Hreðer innan weóll, Cri. 539. Ússe hreðer-cofan innan uncyste, 1330. Hungor innan slát merewérges mód, Seef. ll. II. inwardly, in the mind, heart, & c. , in respect to the spiritual part of man :-- Ðý lǽs hié sién innan gehæfte mid ofermétum ne intus a superbia captivi teneantur, Past. 307, 7. Ðæt hí innan ne áfeallen ðonon ðe hí wénað ðæt hí útan stonden ne, ubi se stare extrinsecus aestimant, ibi intrinsecus cadant, 439, 9. Ne þúhte hé him nó innon swá fæger swá hé útan þúhte, Bt. 32, 2; F. 116, 24. Mid hwylcum ceasterwarum hý beóð in áre getealde innan (intus], Gr. D. 39, 33. Hié mid þǽre lufan Drihtnes innan onbryrde wǽron, Bl. H. 119, 18: 217, 6. Þæt hé his selfes on sefan áge anwald innan, Met. 16, 3. B. as preposition. I. with gen. :-- Gif ꝥ gebyrige ꝥ ǽnig mǽgð tó þan strang sý innon landes oþþe úton landes. Ll. Th. i. 236, 10. II. with dat. (l) local, (a) of rest, within :-- Him þæs tácen weard for eorlum innan healle, Dan. 719. Hé is bebyrged innan þám mynstre innon Ses Nicolaus portice. Chr. 1072 ; P. 209, 5. Innan hira burgum intra urbis claustra, Past. 227, 25: An. 1237. Sittað eów innan ceastre sedete in civitate, Past. 385, 4. Gé eówer net setton úp on dúnum and innon wudum, Bt. 32, 3 ; F. 118, 15. Innan þám hundrede, Ll. Th. i. 280, 12. Innan þisan earde, 304, 13. Sý hit innan lande, sý hit út of lande, 420, 15 : Gn. C. 43. (b) of motion or direction, within, into :-- Nán mann ne cume innon þǽre ciricean, Ll. Th. i. 226, 9. Hé eóde innon þám mynstre, Hml. S. 23 b, 64. Gif heó ꝥ heáfod innan þám men bestincð, Angl. vii. 28, 259. Hé hǽðene þeáwas innan þysan lande gebróhte, Chr. 959 ; P. 115, 10. (2) of time, within the limits of a period, in :-- Hí wendon tó Wæringscíre innon (ingang, ) þǽre middewintres tíde, and hergodon, Chr. 1016; P. 146, 21. (ε) within a person. Cf. A. II :-- Answarode mé sum ðing, ic nát hwæðer hit wæs innan mé ðe útan sive alius quis extrinsecus sive intrinsecus, Solil. H. 3, 9. Yþende mód innan hreðre, Ps. Th. 54, 22. Adame innan breóstum his hyge hwyrfde, Gen. 715. III. with acc., into :-- Hér rád se here ofer Mierce innan Eást-Engle, Chr. 870 ; P. 70, 5. Of ðǽre sǽ cymþ ꝥ wæter innon þá eorþan, Bt. 34, 6 ; F. 140, 18. Gif heó ꝥ heáfod innan þone man bestincð, Angl. vii. 28, 259, v. on-, wiþ-innan. innan

Related words: l.
