
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - mirige

According to the Old English Dictionary:

adj. Pleasant, delightful, sweet :-- Myrige leóþ dulce carmen, Hymn. Surt. 55, 17. Ðeós woruld ðeáh ðe beó myrige hwíltídum geþuht sý this world, though it seem at times pleasant, Homl. Th. i. 154, 17. Ðeós woruld is hwíltídum myrige on tó wunigenne, 182, 24. Gærs myrige on tó sittenne, 182, 15. Wǽre hit ðonne murge mid monnum, Bt. Met. Fox 11, 203; Met. 11, 102. Eall se eard wæs mirige (or ad) mid wætere gemenged, Gen. 13, 10. Dómes dæg, ðæt is se myriga dæg, Wulfst. 244, 15. Hwæt ða woruldlustas myreges (myrges, MS. Cott.) brengaþ quid habeat jucunditatis, Bt. 31, 1; Fox 112, 4. Ne geleofaþ man náht miriges ða hwíle ðe mon deáþ ondrǽt one gets no pleasure from life, while one fears death, Prov. Kmbl. 16. Mid merigum lofsange dulci ymno, Hymn. Surt. 141, 38. Him ða twigu þincaþ swá merge the boughs seem so pleasant to them, Bt. Met. Fox 13, 89; Met. 13, 45. Ða mergen amoena, Hpt. Gl. 409, 36. [Laym. A. R. murie: Gen. and Ex. mirie: Prompt. Parv. myry yn chere letus, jocundus; myry, mery weder malacia: Chauc. Piers P. murie, merie.] v. next word. mirige

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