Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - ofer-rǽdan
According to the Old English Dictionary:
- ofer-rǽdan
- I. add: (1) to read over to another :-- Nú for feáwum dagum wé oferrǽdon þis godspel ætforan eów, Hml. Th. i. 104, 31. Æfter syx mónþa embrine sí oforrǽd (relegatur) him regol, R. Ben. I. 96, 16. (2) to read over to oneself, peruse :-- Gif hwilc gelǽred man þás race oferrǽde oððe rǽdan gehýre, Hml. Th. ii. 460, 5. Seó bóc is on Englisc áwend, on ðǽre mæg gehwá be ðison genihtsumlíce gehýran, sé ðe hí oferrǽdan wile, 358, 31. [N. E. D. over-read.] ofer-rædan