Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - or-sorg
According to the Old English Dictionary:
- or-sorg
- I. add :-- Ne onhyre þám þe byð orsorh on his wege (qui prosperatur in via sua), Ps. Th. 36, 7. Cum orsorg and ríxsa prospere procede et regna, 44, 5. Drihlen wæs hire forespeca, and heó sæt ðí orsorhgre, Hml. Th. ii. 440, 21. I a. with gen. of that which might cause anxiety :-- Gif hé gebicgan mihte . .. ꝥ him ealle þincg gelumpon swá swá him sylfum gelícode, and hé wǽre orsorh ǽfre ǽlces yfeles, Hml. S. 12, 105. Ðæt hié swá micle ryhtlecor ðá hefonlican bebodo healden swá hié orsorgran bióð ðisses middangeardes ymbhogena ut praeceptis coelestibus eo rectius serviant, quo eos ad curas mundi nequaquam jugum inclinat, Past. 401, 2. Bióþ ðá men eallra orsorgoste ǽgðer ge ðises andweardan lífes earfoþa ge þæs tóweardan, Bt. 39, 7; F. 222, 30. II. add :-- Wé ne magon habban þone heofonlican éþel búton wé fram eallum sacum orsorge beón, O. E. Hml, i. 302, 8. or-sorg