
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - sac-full

According to the Old English Dictionary:

I. add :-- S(a)cful rixosa, An. Ox. 56, 88. Twelf unþeáwas syndon . . . gif se crístena bið sacfull (contentiosus), O. E. Hml. i. 299, 14: 301, 30. Gif se crístena mann bið sacfull, ne bið hé sóðlíce crísten. Nis nán man rihtlíce crísten bútan sé ðe Críste geefenlǽcð. Críst sylf nolde flítan, 31-33. Beóð þá sacfullan deófles bearn, 302, 5. I a. that excites dissension or strife: -- Leáse láreówas bringað sacfulle láre pseudodoctores introducent sectas, Chrd. 93, 2. II. in last line for Leo. l. Le

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