Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - steorra
According to the Old English Dictionary:
- steorra
- m. A star:--Steorra stella, tungel sidus, Wrt. Voc. i. 41, 53. Swána steorra hesperius, ii. 43, 39. Se hára (háta ?) steorra canis vel canicula, Stella quae Sirius vocatur, 128, 25. Se steorra ðe wé hátaþ Ursa ne cymþ nǽfre on ðam westdǽle, þeáh ealle óþre steorran faren æfter ðære sunnan, Bt. 39, 13; Fox 232, 29-32. Se steorra (stearra, Lind.) ðe hí on eástdǽle gesáwon, Mt. Kmbl. 2, 9. Steorra, se is cweden commeta, Bd. 4, 12; S. 581, 13. Beorhtnes scínendes steorran, 5, 12; S. 629, 5. Stiorran, Met. 28, 44. Ðone beorhtan steorran ðe wé hátaþ morgensteorra; ðone ilcan wé hátaþ óþre naman ǽfensteorra, Bt. 4; Fox 8, 2-4. Tácna on steorrum, Lk. Skt. 21, 25. [O. Frs. stera: O. Sax. O. H. Ger. sterro: Goth. stairnó; f.: O. H. Ger. sterno: Icel. stjarna; f.]