
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - swinsung

According to the Old English Dictionary:

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f. I. melody, harmony :-- Suinsung armonia, Wrt.Voc. ii. 100, 62: melodium, 113, 79. Dreám, swinsunge (-c?) armonia, 3, 29: 90, 61. Swinsung, Hpt. Gl. 498, 63. Gedrémere swinsunge consona melodia, 519, 6: consona vocis harmonia (modulatione), 467, 9. Wensumne swinsunge l dreám melodiam, 438, 8. Bebudon him gif hé mihte ðæt hé in swinsunge leóþsanges ðæt gehwyrfde praecipientes ei, si posset, hunc in modulationem carminis transferre, Bd. 4, 24; S. 597, 35. Swinsunga melos, Wrt. Voc. ii. 57, 27. II. sound that is not harmonious:--Swinsunge sǽs sonitus maris, Lk. Skt. Rush. 21, 25. Wið eárena swinsunge and ungehýrnesse for singing in the ears and hardness of hearing, Lchdm. iii. 70, 23. swinsung