Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - un-gelíc
According to the Old English Dictionary:
- un-gelíc
- adj. Unlike, dfferent, dissimilar, diverse :-- Ungelíc dispar, Ælfc. Gr. 9, 17; Zup. 43, 2: dissimile, Kent. Gl. 512. Ðé is ungelíc wlite siððan ðú lǽstes míne láre you have a different beauty, since you followed my teaching, Cd. Th. 38, 26; Gen. 612: 222, 29; Dan. 112. Ðonne is ungelíc be ðon écan lífe now with the life eternal it is different, Blickl. Homl. 97, 28. Ungelíc is ús our lots are different, Exon. Th. 380, 5; Rä. 1, 3. Hé tiolaþ ungelíc tó biónne ðam óþrum, Bt. 39, 12; Fox 232, 7: Cd. Th. 23, 9; Gen. 356. Hit is ungelíc úrum gecynde, Met. 20, 33. Unilícum háde dispari sexu, Hpt. Gl. 461, 5. Ungelíce, Wrt. Voc. ii. 28, 41. Hé reorde gesette eorðbúendum ungelíce, Cd. Th. 101, 21; Gen. 1685. Se ðe bíspell secgan wolde, ne sceolde fón on tó ungelíc bíspell ðære sprǽce ðe hé ðonne sprecan wolde cognatos, de quibus loquimur, rebus oportere esse sermones, Bt. 35, 5; Fox 166, 20. Syndon dryhtguman ungelíce, Exon. Th. 314, 32; Mód. 23. Wé syndon ungelíce ðonne ðe wé in heofonum hæfdon wlite we are different from what we were when we had beauty in heaven, Cd. Th. 274, 7; Sat. 150. Hé cwæþ ðæt hé gesáwe ungelíce béc him berende beón ðurh ða gódan gástas oþþe ðurh ða gálan quod codices diversos per bonos sive malos spiritus sibi vidit offerri, Bd. 5, 13; S. 633, 24. Hí wilniaþ þurh ungelíce earnunga cuman tó ánre eádignesse, Bt. 24, 1; Fox 80, 9. Ealle gesceafta ðú gesceópe him gelíce, and eác on sumum þingum ungelíce, 33, 4; Fox 128, 26; Met. 20, 55. un-gelic