Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - un-getímu
According to the Old English Dictionary:
- un-getímu
- f. or un-getíme, es; n. Mishap, misfortune :-- On ðǽm dagum wǽron ða mǽstan ungetína (cf.(?) un-geteón: ungetíma is the rending of the other MS. here and in the following passages) on Rómánum, ǽgðer ge on hungre ge on moncwealme duo vel maxima omnium malorum abominamenta, fames et pestilentia, fessum urbem corripuere, Ors. 2, 4; Swt. 70, 7. Ðæt hellefýr wæs geswiðrad, swá ealle ungetína (-getíma, MS. C.) wǽron Sicilia requiem malorum, nisi nunc, nescit, 2, b; Swt. 90, 2. Hwelce ungetína (-getíma, MS. C.), ǽgðer ge on monslihtum ge on hungre ge on scipgebroce ge on mislícre forscapunge, 1, 11; Swt. 50, 18. un-getimu