
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - a-gifan

Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:

-gyfan, -giefan, -geofan;

p. -gæf, -geaf, -gef, pl. -géfon, -geáfon; pp. -gifen, -giefen, -gyfen To restore, give back, give up, leave, return, repay, render, pay, give; reddere, restituere, tradere, relinquere, exsolvere, dare:-- He wolde hine his fæder agifan volebat eum reddere patri suo, Gen. 37, 22. Úton agifan ðæm ésne his wíf let us restore to the man his wife, Bt. 35, 6; Fox 170, 6. Eorþe ageaf ða the earth gave up those, Exon. 24b; Th. 71, 15; Cri. 1156. Ðone hie ðære cwéne agéfon they gave him up to the queen. Elen. Kmbl. 1171; El. 587. He agæf him his leóda láfe he restored to him the remnant of his people. Cd. 196; Th. 244, 24; Dan. 453. Ne agife non restituet, Ex. 22, 13. Hy fæder ageaf on feónda geweald her father delivered her up into her foes' power. Exon. 68a; Th. 252, 6; Jul, 159. Andreas his gást ageaf Andrew gave up his soul. Menol. Fox 431; Men, 217, Ageaf his gást tradidit spiritum, Jn. Bos. 19, 30. Andreas carcerne ageaf Andrew left his prison. Andr. Kmbl. 3155; An. 1580. Him se wer ageaf andsware to him the man returned answer, Exon. 49b; Th. 171, 34; Gú. 1136. Andreas agef andsware Andrew returned answer, Andr. Kmbl, 378; An. 189. Ic forþ agef ða, ðe ic ne reáfude ǽr quæ non rapui, tunc exsolvebam, Ps. Th. 68, 5: L. In. 60; Th. i. 140, 10. Siððan ge eówre gafulrǽdenne agifen habbaþ after ye have paid your fare, Andr. Kmbl. 592; An. 296. He him leán ageaf he gave him a gift, Cd. 86; Th. 108, 19; Gen. 1808: 97; Th. 128, 3; Gen. 2121: Th. Diplm. A.D. 830; 465, 31. Hi ageáfon dono dederunt. Judth, 12; Thw. 26, 23; Jud. 342, DER. gifan. a-gifan