
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - be-stéman

Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:


p. de; pp. ed To BESTEAM, bedew, make damp, make wet; humectare, madefacere, circumfundere :-- Wǽron beorhhliðu blóde bestémed the mountain-brows were besteamed with blood, Cd. 166; Th. 206, 8; Exod. 448. Wæs ðæs hálgan líc swáte bestémed the body of the saint was besteamed with blood, Andr. Kmbl. 2480; An. 1241. Usses Dryhtnes ród blóde bestémed our Lord's rood bedewed with blood, Exon. 23 b; Th. 67, 10; Cri. 1086. Hwílum hit [beácen] wæs mid wǽtan bestémed at times it [the beacon] was damped with wet, Rood Kmbl. 44; Kr. 22. Ic wæs mid blóde bestémed begoten of ðæs guman sídan I was wet with blood poured from the man's side, 96; Kr. 48. Hú ðú wǽgflotan wǽre bestémdan sund wisige how thou directest the sailing of the wave-floater [ship] wetted with the sea, Andr. Kmbl. 974; An. 487. Dreóre bestémed wet with blood, 2949; An. 1477. DER. stéman. be-steman