Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - byht
Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:
- byht
- m. [býgan to bend] A bending, corner, dwelling, an abode, bay, BIGHT; habitatio, dominium, sinus :-- Andlang norþgeardes ðæt hit cymþ in ðone byht along the north yard till it comes to the corner, Cod. Dipl. 538; A. D. 967; Kmbl. iii. 18, 29: Cod. Dipl. Apndx. 308; A. D. 875; Kmbl. iii. 399, 25, 32. Eall ðæt sculon ágan eaforan ðíne, þeódlanda gehwilc, folcmægþa byht thy sons shall own all that, each country, the dwelling of nations, Cd. 100; Th. 133, 20; Gen. 2213. Mec ahebbaþ ofer hæleða byht ðeós heá lyft this lofty air raises me above the dwellings of men, Exon. 103a; Th. 389, 26; Rä. 8, 3. Ofer wætres byht to lande over the water's abode [bay] to the land, Exon. 106a; Th. 404, 23; Rä. 23, 12. [Dut. bogt, f; Ger. bucht, f: Dan. bugt, m. f: Swed. bugt, m: Icel. bygð, f.] byht