
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - deád

Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:

def. se deáda; seó, ðæt deáde; adj. DEAD; mortuus :-- Lazarus ys deád Lazarus mortuus est, Jn. Bos. 11, 14: Mt. Bos. 9, 24: Jud. 3, 25: Elen. Kmbl. 1761; El. 882: Bco. Th. 939; B. 467: Exon. 126 b; Th. 487, 19; Rä. 73, 4. Næs ðǽr nán þing deád of ðám nec erat quidquam mortuum de his, Ex. 9, 7; 21, 34. Me hátran sind Dryhtnes dreámas ðonne ðis deáde líf the Lord's joys are more exciting to me than this dead life, Exon. 82 a; Th. 309, 31; Seef. 65. Sceal yrfe gedǽled deádes monnes the inheritance of a dead man shall be divided, 90 a; Th. 338, 19; Gn. Ex. 81. Græf deádum men heófeþ the grave shall groan for the dead man, 91 b; Th. 342, 29; Gn. Ex. 149. Mec deádne ofgeáfun fæder and móder father and mother gave me up as dead, 103 a; Th. 391, 7; Rä. 10, 1: Beo.Th. 2623; B. 1309. Brihtríc þohte ðæt he Wulfnóþ cuconne oððe deádne begytan sceolde Brihtric thought that he would get Wulfnoth alive or dead, Chr. 1009; Erl. 142, 3. Ealle synd deáde mortui sunt omnes, Ex. 4, 19: Mt. Bos. 28, 4: Ps. Th. 113, 24. Deáde of duste arísaþ þurh Drihtnes miht the dead shall rise from the dust through power of God, Cd. 227; Th. 302, 24; Sat. 605: Exon. 25 a; Th. 72, 30; Cri. 1180. Hí ǽton deádra lác manducavērunt sacrifĭcia mortuōrum, Ps. Th. 105, 22: Mt. Bos. 23, 27. Land dryrmyde deádra hrǽwum the land mourned over the corpses of the dead, Cd. 144; Th. 180, 6; Exod. 41: Elen. Kmbl. 1299; El. 651: 1887; El. 945. Be deádum for the dead, Exon. 82 b; Th. 311, 27; Seef. 98. Mid ðám deádum fellum with the dead skins, Boutr. Scrd. 20, 29. Ne dó hý to deádan ne occidĕris eos, Ps. Th. 58, 10: 61, 3: Ex. 21, 35, 36. Ne willaþ eów andrǽdan deáde féðan dread ye not dead bands, Cd. 156; Th. 194, 26; Exod. 266: Exon. 24 b; Th. 71, 21; Cri. 1159: Andr. Kmbl. 2156; An. 1079. Lǽt deáde bebyrigean hyra deádnn let the dead bury their dead, Mt. Bos. 8, 22. Ne húru wundur wyrceaþ deáde numquid mortuis facies mirabĭlia? Ps. Th. 87, 10. [Prompt. dede: Wyc. ded: Piers P. deed: Chauc. dede: R. Glouc. ded: Plat. dood: O. Sax. dód: Frs. dea: O. Frs. dad, dath: Dut. dood: Ger. todt: M. H. Ger. O. H. Ger. tót : Goth. dauþs: Dan. Swed. död: Icel. dauðr.] DER. woruld-deád. dead