Hálsian, héalsian

Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - hálsian, héalsian

Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:

hálsian, héalsian
Substitute: hálsian, halsian (?), heal-sian. I. to beseech, entreat, make solemn appeal to :-- Ic hálsie obtestor, deprecor, Germ. 402, 88. (1) where entreaty is made in the interests of the speaker. (a) with acc. of person addressed :-- Beó þú Gode underþýd, and hálsa hine (obsecra eum), Ps. Th. Srt. Vos. 36, 7. (b) with acc. of person and clause of entreaty :-- Ic ðé halsige (healsige, ) ꝥ ðú mé secge quaeso te, Bt. 38, 4 ; F. 202, 21. Ic þé halsige ꝥ þú mé nó leng ne lette, 36, 3; F. 174, 32. Ic þé hálsie þæt þú ús miltsie, Hö. 107. Ic hálsige and gebidde mé tó þé þæt . . . , Hy. 3, 47. Hé halsaþ (healsaþ, v. l.) ǽlcne . . . ꝥ hé for hine gebidde, Bt. prooem.; F. viii. 11. Ðec wé hálsiað ðæt úre haele wunde, Ps. Srt. ii. p. 204, 9. (b α) where the entreaty is emphasized by connecting it with something sacred or highly esteemed :-- Ic hálsige (hálsigo, L. R. adiuro) þé ðurh God ꝥ ðú mé ne þreáge, Mk. 5, 7: Gú. 1176. Ic þé hálsige fore þínum cildháde, Hö. 118. Wé biddað and hálsiað on Godes noman, Txts. 175, 15. Heó hyne hálsode þurh God ꝥ hé ðám onfénge . . . Dryhten cwæð : 'Hé wæs þurh mé gehálsod', Shrn. 135, 18-25, Hé mec þíne lífe healsode ꝥ . . . , B. 2132. (2) where the entreaty is made in the interests of the person addressed. (a) with acc. of person :--Lǽre hié and healsa (obsecra), Past. 291, 16. (b) with acc. and clause :-- Ic þé healsige ꝥ ðú gesceádwíslíce ꝥ ongite quaeso te, vide quam id sancte probes, Bt. 34, 3; F. 136, 18. Ic eów hálsige ꝥ gé gongan tó byrgenne weligra manna, Bl. H. 99, 12. Hé hý hálsode (the accent is in the MS.) þæt hý nánuht þǽra ǽrenda ne underféngon, Ors. 4, 6; Bos 86, 25. (b α) emphasized. v. (1 b α) :-- Ic eów healsige for ðǽm tócyme Dryhtnes ðæt gé nó tó hrædlíce ne sién ástyrede rogamus vos per adventvm UNCERTAIN Domini, ut non cito moveamini, Past. 213, 14. Ic eów hálsige on ðone Drihten . . . þæt gé forlǽtan . . . , Wlfst. 232, 12. (3) of solemn appeal made in legal proceedings, to adjure :-- Ic eów hálsige on Fæder noman . . . and fer ðaere hálgen faemnan naman, ꝥ gé tó ðǽm ordále ne gangen, gif gé scyld on eów witen, Rtl. 114, 14-22. Ic hálsige þé þurh þæne ælmihtigan God adiuro te per omnipotentem Deum, Ll. Lbmn. 413, 1. Ic hálsige obsecro, 12: obtestor, 19. Hálsie man ðone man hér. Ic eów hálsie, 415, 1. (4) to exorcize :-- Exorcismus aquae. Ic hálsigo ðec exorcizo te, creatura aque, Rtl. 100, 27. Salthálgcincg. Ic l UNCERTAIN álsigo ðec, giscæft saltes, 117, 34. (5) to imprecate :-- Háls[ode] inprecabatur, An. Ox. 4, 45. II. to augur, divine. v. hálsung; II. On wígbedde tó hálsienne ariolandi, Wrt. Voc. ii. 9, 15. v. á-hálsian ; eofulsian. healsian,halsian

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