Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - húsel
Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:
- húsel
- Add: I. a sacrifice; sacrificium :-- Miltheortnisse ic willo, and nis húsul misericordiam volo, et non sacrificium, Mt. L. 12, 7. Hf. sul eóstorlic sacrificium paschale (fecisti), Rtl. 34, 36. II. the consecrated elements at the Communion; the service at which these are administered, the Eucharist, the Lord's Supper :-- Húsl eucharistia, Wrt. Voc. ii. 30, 59: 70, 12. Hwí is þæt hálige húsel gecweden Crístes líchama oððe his blód, gif hit nis sóðlíce ꝥ ;thorn-bar; hit geháten is?, Hml. Th. ii. 268, 21. Þis húsel is gemynd Crístes líchaman and his blódes, 276, 6. pæt hálige húsel is ǽgðer ge Crístes líchama ge ealles geleáffullesfolces æfter gástlicere gerýnu, 15. Seó snǽd þæs húsles ðe beo ðicgan sceolde, 272, 26. Hálige béc beódað þæt man gemencge wæter tó ðám wíne ðe tó húsle sceal, 278, 6. Twégen munecas bǽdon æt Gode sume swutelunge be ðám hálgan húsle, and æfter ðǽre béne gestódon him mæssan. Ðá gesáwon hí licgan án cild on ðám weófode þe se mæssepreóst æt mæssode, and Godes engel stód mid handsexe . . . þá tóliðode se engel þæt cild on ðám disce, and his blód meó ðám calice ágeát. Eft ðá ðá hí tó ðám húsle eódon, ðá wearð hit tó hláfe and tó wíne, and hi hit ðygedon, 272, 14-21. Gif man mæssepreóst tihtlige . . . mæssige gif hé durre, and ládige hine on þám húsle, Ll. Th. i. 344, 13, 14. Gif preóst húsl forgíme, ii. 292, 23. Gif wé sceáwiað þæt hálige húsel æfter líchamlicum andgite, þonne geseó wé þæt hit is gesceaft brosniendlic . . . Hit is on gecynde brosniendlic hláf and brosniendlic wín . . . his gástlica líchama ðe wé húsel hátað is. . . búton blóde and báne . . . þæt húsel is hwílwendlic, ná éce; brosuiendlic, and bið sticmǽlum tódǽled; betwux tóðum tócowen, and meó ðám búce ásend, Hm Th. ii. 270, 6-34. II a. in phrases having reference to the administration and receiving of the Eucharist. (1) húsl (ge)hálgian to consecrate the elements :-- þis húsel ðe nú bið gehálgod æt Godes weófode, Hml. Th. ii. 276, 6. Gif preóst on treówenan calice húsl gehálgige, ii. 292, 20: i. 360, 33. Hé gehálgode húsel of hláfe and of wíne, Angl. vii. 44, 415. (2) tó húsle (ge)hálgian to consecrate (bread and wine) for the Eucharist :-- Hí hálgodon hláf and wín tó húsle, Hml. Th. ii. 268, 3, 5: 270, 17: 274, 14. (3) húsl tóbrecan to break the bread :-- Oð þæt se preóst þæt húsel tóbræc, Hml. Th. ii. 272, 18. (4) húsles wirþe entitled to go to communion (see first passage under (5)) :-- Her on lífe busies beón wyrþe, Ll. Th. i. 372, 35. (5) tó húsle gán, gangan to go to communion, receive the sacrament, communicate (cf. husel-gang, -genga) :-- Swá hwilc man swá tó húsle ne gá (sé ðe húselganges unwurðe sý. Hml. Th. ii. 174, 17) si quis non communicat, Gr. D. 152, 26: 153, II. Sé ðe ete ǽr þám þe hé tó húsle gá qui edit antequam eucharistiam acceperit, Ll. Th. ii. 140, 12. Wíf mót tó húsle gán (eucharistiam accipere) ǽr þám heó cenne, 156, 12. Gange ǽlc tó húsle ad communionem accedat, R. Ben. 115, 4. Gá hé tó húsle þý dæge þe hé tó ordále gán scyle, Ll. Th. i. 210, 30. ꝥ gé tó þýs húsle ne gangen, ne tó ðǽm ordále, gif gé scyld on eów witen, Rtl. 114, 21. tó þisum húsle tó gánne, Ll. Lbmn. 414, 2. þæt folc æfter godcundum ðeáwe tó húsle gange, Hml. Th. i. 508, 4: ii. 272, 24: 278, 1. (6) húsles onbyrgan, húsl þicgan (cf. húsles þigen. Hml. Th. i. 266, 8 : Angl. xii. 514, 5) to partake of the Lord's Supper, to take the Sacrament :-- Sé ðe ete . . . æfter þám þe hé húsl þicge qui edit. . . postquam eucharistiam sumserit, Ll. Th. ii. 140, 13. ꝥ þú ná geþríst-lǽce ꝥ þú þises húsles onbyrige utnon audeas hanc eucharistiam percipere, Ll. Lbm. 413, 31: Hml. Th. ii. 278, 4. ꝥ gé ne genédon ꝥ gé þis húsl ðicgon and tó ðisson weófode ne gán, Ll. Lbmn. 415, 7 : Hml. Th. ii. 266, 18-278, 20. husel