
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - hweogol

Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:

Add:, hweogola (?), an; m. I. a wheel (1) of any kind :-- Ǽlc gesceaft hwearfað on hire selfre swá swá hweól, Bt. 25 ; F. 88, 33. Hweowlu rotas, Germ. 392, 54. (2) of a vehicle :-- On wǽnes eaxe hwearfiað þá hweól and sió eax stent stille. . . ꝥ hweól hwerft ymbúton, Bt. 39, 7 ; F. 220, 27-29. Sum cild . . . bearn under ánum yrnendum hweóle, and wearð tó deáðe tócwýsed, Hml. Th. ii. 26, 25. (3) a fixed wheel as (part of) a machine :-- Wǽg þænne wé mid hlædele, hlædtrendle (hweowla, hweowl; hweowlan, Hpt. Gl. 418, 32) úp hladan limpham, quam anthlia, hoc est, rota hauritoria exanthlamus. An. Ox. 502. Hét se cásere gebindan Georium on ánum brádum hweowle. . . Hé wearð gebróht on þám hweowle, þá tyrndon þá hǽðenan hetelíce ꝥ hweowl, and hit sóna tóbærst, Hml. S. 14, 85-94. (4) the wheel of Fortune :-- Gif þú bé selfne tó anwealde þám woruldsǽlþum gesealdest. . . Wénst þú ꝥ ðú ꝥ hwerfende hweól þonne hit on ryne wyrþ mæge oncyrran ? fortunae e rigendum dedisti. . . Tu vero votventis rotae impetvm retinere conaris? Bt. 7. 2 ; F. 18, 35. II. a circular band :-- Hé sǽde ꝥ þá Drihtnes fótlástas wǽron beworht mid ǽrne hweóle and þæs heánes wǽre oð monnes swýran, and ꝥ þǽr wǽre ðyrel on middum þǽm hweóle (cf. Is þǽr geworht emb þá lástas útan hwéne wíddre þonne bydenfæt úp oþ mannes breóst heáh; wæs ꝥ ǽreste of grénum áre geworht; . . . is on westan medmycel duru, Bl. H. 127, 5-8), Shrn. 81, 11-14. III. a circle or cycle used in computation :-- Gým þisses hweóles, hyt þé ætýwþ genóh openlíce þæs mónan ryne, Angl. viii. 328, 33.

Verwandte Wörter: hlæd-, mylen-, sceard-(?) hweogol. hweogol
