
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - hweogul

Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:

hweowol, hweohl, hweól, es;

n. A wheel :-- Se firmamentum went on ðam twám steorrum swá swá hweogel [hweogul, MS. L; hweowul,MSS. R. P.] tyrnþ on eaxe the firmament turns on those two stars just as a wheel turns on an axle, Lchdm. iii. 270, 22. Swá swá hweowol ut rotam, Ps. Spl. 82, 12. Wǽnes hweowol a waggon-wheel, Shrn. 32, 12. Swá swá yrnende hweowol, Hexam. 5; Norm. 8, 29. Ðære sunnan hweogul solis rota, Hymn. Surt. 22, 25. Hweól rota, Ælfc. Gl. 2; Som. 55, 48; Wrt. Voc. 16, 20. Ðæt hweól hwerfþ ymbútan. Bt. 39, 7; Fox 220, 29. Ðæt unstille hweól ðe Ixion wæs tó gebunden ðæt óþstód, 35, 6; Fox 168, 31. Ðæs hweohles [hweoles, MS. Cott.] felga, 39, 7; Fox 222, 19. On hweóhle in rota, Ps. Spl. 76, 17. Hwél in hwélum rota in rota, Mt. Kmbl. p. 9, 20. [A. R. hweol: Ayenb. hueȝel: Orm. wheol, whel: Icel. hvel, hjól: Dan. Swed. hjul. Zacher in his 'Das Gothische Alphabet,' pp. 114-5, compares the two forms hweol, hweogel with the Greek GREEK, GREEK ( = GREEK) respectively, and so does not write hweól. See also Grmm. D. M. p. 664, where hweol is taken as corresponding to a Gothic hwil.] hweogul