
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - hwettan

Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:

p. te To WHET, sharpen, instigate, urge, incite, excite :-- Ic hwette acuo, Ælfc. Gr. 28; Som. 30, 48: Exon. 103 b; Th. 393, 1; Rä. 12, 3. Se lǽce his seax hwæt the physician sharpens his knife, Past. 26, 3; Swt. 187, 5. Úsic lust hwætep desire urges us, Andr. Kmbl. 571; An. 286. Ðurh ðæt his mód hweteþ by that means excites his mind, Salm. Kmbl. 988; Sal. 495: Exon. 82 a; Th. 309, 26; Seef. 63: 83 b; Th. 314, 23; Mód. 18. Hwettaþ hyra blódigan téþ they whet their bloody teeth, L. E. I. prm; Th. ii. 396, 6. Ic hig hwette tó fleánne I instigated her to fly, Shrn. 41, 25. Swá ðín sefa hwette, Beo. Th. 985; B. 490. Hwetton higerófne, 413; B. 204. Hý hwetton exacuerunt, Blickl. Gloss. [Laym. whætte; p.: Icel. hvetja to whet, incite: O. H. Ger. wezzen acuere, exacuere, provocare: Ger. wetzen.] DER. á-, ge-hwettan. hwettan