
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - ildra

Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:

adj. Add: I. of greater age :-- Hē is wintrun yldra þonne ic me aetate praeibat, Gr. D. 218, 26. I a. of parents in contrast with children :-- Bearn, beó gē underdiódde eówrum ieldrun māgum filii, obedite parentibus vestris, Past. 189, 22. I b. where persons of the same name are distinguished by age, elder, senior :-- Rōmāne besǣton þone ieldran Hannibalan inclusus ea obsidione senior Annibal, Ors. 4, 6; S. 170, 29. II. where difference of date is marked, earlier, former in contrast with present :-- His mæsse bid geseted on dǣm eldran mæssebōcum, Shrn. 90, 34. II a. qualifying terms of relationship in direct ascent, grand-, great- [great . . .] grand- :-- Mīn yldra fæder my grandfather, C. D. ii. 116, 16. Felix mīn eldra (yldra, ) fæder Felix atavus meus (cf. Felix wæs his (Gregory's) fīfta fæder, Hml. Th. ii. 118, 9), Gr. D. 286, 12. Sió gifu hiora fæder and heora eldran (eolldran, v. l.) fæder vel paterni vel aviti specimen ingenii, Bt. 10; F. 28, 32. Yldran fæder avitum, Wrt. Voc. ii. 96, 61. Þurh ildran fæderas per atavos, 65, 72. III. belonging to an earlier time :-- Ne dyde hē swā eldran cynne, Ps. Th. 147, 9. IV. deno-ting position, rank, greater, superior, elder :-- Ðā Apostolas and þā eldran (ældran, yldran, v. ll.) brōdor Apostoli et seniores fratres, Ll. Th. i. 56, 13. ildra

Verwandte Wörter: l.
