
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - ildra

Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:

m. Add: I. of relationship. (l) a parent :-- Sume habbad bearn genōge, ac dā beóþ hwīlum unhāle oþþe yfele . . . ꝥ; dā eldran for þām gnorniaþ, Bt. ii. i ; F. 32, 9. Mid dȳ in lǣddun ældru his (parentes eius) done cnæht, Lk. R. 2, 27. Ældro, 43. Manige bearn beóþ gestrȳned tō heora eldrena forwyrde, Bt. 31, l ; F. 112, 9. (2) in pl. more or less distant kinsfolk of a person in direct ascent :-- Se mon sē þe bōcland hæbbe and him his yldran (mǣgas, ) lǣfdon, Ll. Th. i. 88, 16. Manigne mon sceamaþ ꝥ hē weorþe wyrsa donne his eldran wǣron imposita nobilibus necessitudo ne a majorum virtute degenerem, Bt. 30, l; F. 110, 4. Hē hiene hētt bebyrgean an his ieldrena byrg hunc referri in sepulchra majorum sepelirique praecepit, Ors. 3, 9; S. 128, 16. (2 a) of an animal :-- Seó leó gemond þæs wildan gewunan hire eldrana, Bt. 25; F. 88, 13. (3) ancestors, fathers of a people :-- Ūre ieldran þisne ymbhwyrft þises middangeardes on þreó tōdǣldon majores nostri orbem totius terrae triquadrum statuere, Ors. l, l; S. 8, l. Eówre ieldran, 4, 13; S. 212, 24. Eoldran, Bt. 16, l; F. 50, 7. Gif hié gemunan willad hiora ieldrena (majorum suorum) unclǣnnessa, Ors. 2, i; S. 64, 14. Þā burg seó wæs on ǣrdagum heora ieldrena ēdel urbem auctorem originis suae, 4, 5 ; S. 168, II. II. of position, rank, &c. , a superior, a noble :-- Bituīn ældrum inter primores, Wrt. Voc. ii. in, 42. Betweón ieldrum, 45, 55. Betweoh yldrum, 49, 1. ildra

Verwandte Wörter: l.
