
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - lyft

Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:

Add: I. air as one of the four elements :-- Sié eorþe is drýge and ceald, and ꝥ wæter wǽt and ceald; sié lyft . . . is ǽgðer ge ceald ge wǽt, Bt. 33, 4; F. 128, 35. ꝥ lyft ys wǽt and wearm. . . fýr býð wearm and drigge. . . eorðe ys ceald and drigge . . . wæter is ceald andwǽt, Angl. viii. 299, 28-35. II.enc body of air surrounding the earth, the atmosphere: -- Swá swá lyft and lagu land ymbclyppað, Met. 9, 40. Stille þynceð lyft ofer londe and lagu swíge, Rä. 4, ii. Cómon twégen deóflu tó him of þǽre lyfte velut ex acre lapsi, Guth. Gr. 123, 7. Fliógan ofer þám fýre þe is betwux þám rodore and þǽre lyfte, Bt. 36, 2 ; F. 174, 10. Hé ongan fleógan on þá lyfte, Bl. H. 187, 28. Deóflu fleóð geond þás lyft ungesewenlíce, swá swá fugelas dóð gesewenlíce, Hml. Th. ii. 90, 21. On lyft scacan, fleógan ofer foldan, Sat. 263. In lyft ástág cirm, Gú. 363. III. the upper region of the air, sky, heaven :-- Tó morgen hyt byð smylte weder ; þes heofon (caelum) ys reád . . . Tó dæg hyt byð hreóh weder; þeós lyft (caelum) scínð unwederlíce, Mt. 16, 3. Lyft úp geswearc heaven above grew dark, Exod. 461. Lyft bið onbærned, hreósað heofonsteorran, Cri. 1043. Odeówdon fýrena leóman on norð-dǽle þǽre lyfte, Chr. 926; P. 107, 19. Nis ǽnig nú eorl under lyfte, Cri. 219: Ph. 39: Gú. 91. Hý hine hófun on þá heán lyft, 383. IV. a cloud :-- Lyft nubes, An. Ox. 3711 [: Mk. 9, 7 : Lk. 21, 27 : 12, 54, in Dict.]. V. contaminated air :-- Wólberende lyft hwítes heówes, Nar. 15, 32. Ealle súðfolc worhton eorþhús for þǽre lyfte wylme and ǽternesse, Lch. ii. 146, 16. VI. air in motion, a breeze :-- Mec lyft úpháhóf, wind of wǽge, Rä. 11, 9. Hé sǽde ꝥ án gehwǽde wolcn efne þá upp ástige mid þǽre unstæðdigan lyfte. Efne ðá árás se wind, Hml. S. 18, 150. Ne windig wolcen, ne þǽr wæter fealleð lyfte gebysgad, Ph. 62. Hé gesette ýsta his on lyftu ( auram), Ps. L. 106, 29.

Verwandte Wörter: ǽr-, un-, úp-lyft. lyft
