Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - pening
Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:
(1) [In
- pening
- l. 4 hymenis is a corruption of nummi s(ervire), as the gloss at Wrt. Voc. ii. 96, 71 belongs to Ald. 207, 5: Semper avaritiae nummi servire volentem.] Add :-- Smeágað sume men hwæt se pening (pænig, penig, getácnige, Hml, A. 44, 505. Hig of þám Iúdéum for ánum penige .xxx. gesealdon ongeán þæt þæt þá Iúdéas ǽr úrne Hǽlend . . . myd þryttegum penegum gebohton, 187, 168-170. Wiþ þrím hundred penegon (peninga, R., penninga l scillinga, L.), Jn. 12, 5. Twégen penegas (peñd. , L.), Lk. 10, 35. (1 a) in pl., money :-- Ne wéne hé nó ðæt Godes ryhtwísnes sié tó ceápe, swelce hé hié mæge mid his peningum (-engum, v. l.) gebygcgean . . . ðá hwíle ðe hié peningas (-engas) hæbben mid tó gieldanne ne venalem Dei justitiam aestiment. . . cum curant. . . nummos tribuere, Past. 327, 16-18. Ðá ilca peningas (penicas altered from pendicas, L.) ðá ðe gisended wére ea quae mittebantur, Jn. R. 12, 6. (2) add :-- Se feórðandǽl byð quadrans gecíged, beó hit penig oððe pund, swá þ wel wát ceorlisc folc . . .xx scillingas beóð on ánum pund, and twelf síðon twéntig penega byð án pund, Angl. viii. 306, 30-36. Ne þearf ic N. sceatt ne scilling, ne pænig ne pæniges weord, Ll. Th. i. 182, 10. Þæt mon ne sparige nǽnne þeóf þe æt hæbbendre handa gefangen sý ofer eahta peningas (penegas, v. l.), 198, 18. Ofer .xii. pæningas, 228, 12. ¶ the following passages are of interest as giving some comparative values :-- Ðeówan wífmenn . . . .i. sceáp oððe .iii. p. tó wintersufle, Ll. Th. i. 436, 31. Gafolhwítel sceal beón .vi. pæninga (penega; -inga, v. ll.) weorð, 130, 5. Oxan horn bið .x. pæninga weorð, Cun horn bið twégea pæninga. Oxan tægl bið scill. weorð. Cuus bið fífa penega. Oxan eáge bið fíf p. weorð. Cús bið scill. weorð, 138, 21-140, 4. Be .xxx. pæñ. oþþe be ánum hrýðere, 232, 7. Hors mon sceal gyldan mid .xxx. scill., myran mid .xx. scill. . . . oxan mid .xxx. p., cú mid .xxiiii. p. , swýn mid . viii. p., man mid punde, sceáp mid scill. , gát mid . ii. p., 356, 2-6. Gif mon óðres wudu bærneð oþþe heáweð unáliéfedne, forgielde ǽlc greát treów mid .v. scill., and siþþan ǽghwylc mid .v. pæningum, 70, 6. Sceáp sceal gongan mid his fliése oð midne sumor, oþþe gilde ꝥ fliése mid twám pæningum, 146, 11. v. gafol-pening. pening