Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - rǽd
Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:
- rǽd
- I. add :-- Hlyste hé gódes rǽdes, ná of mínum múðe, ac of Crístes sylfes, Hml. Th. i. 54, 16. II. add :-- Consilium, þæt is rǽdgeðeht . . . Sé hæfð gódne rǽd þurh Godes gyfe þe him gerǽdað ǽfre hwæt him tó dónne sý and hwæt tó forlǽtenne, Wlfst. 51, 19. III. add :-- Dóme, rǽde (inuestigabile) decretum, An. Ox. 2676. Swicfullum rǽde fraudulento consilio, 4836. Hé lét him tó rǽde he adopted as his plan, Hml. S. 23, 319. Gódo dóað woegas iúero and raedo (studia, printed stadia, but see Jer. 7, 3) iúro, Rtl. 36, 21. III a. with negative, (no) plan to help oneself :-- Mín heorte and mín mód mé for-léton, tó þám þæt ic mé nyste nǽnne rǽd cor meum dereliquit me, Ps. Th. 39, 14. Hé cwæð ꝥ sume dæge wǽre mid gafoles neóde genéded sum getreówe wer, and him nyste nǽnne rǽd, Gr. D. 157, 23. Ne canst þú þé nǽnne rǽd, Hml. S. 35, 34. IV. add :-- Ic gelýfe ꝥ hit sý rǽd (operae pretium credo) ꝥ ic ásægce ðá sprǽce, Gr. D. 305, 17. Þá geþúhte ꝥ rǽd mínes sweores fæder ꝥ hé férde visum est patri soceri mei pergere, 306, 1: Chr. 995; P. 130, 17. Ealle ðá ðing ðe hláforde magan tó rǽde, Angl. ix. 259, 19. Rǽdas conpendia, Scint. 100, 14. V. add :-- Rǽde senatu, An. Ox. 4041. V a. the act of taking counsel together :-- Geþafa ꝥ mín módor mé gespræcan, and sume þreó niht on mínum rǽde beón (may be in consultation with me), Hml. S. 4, 324. Wæs Acitofel mid Absalone on rǽde, 19, 201. VII. rule, direction. IV. :-- Þá nigon werod bugon tó heora Scyppende, and betǽhton heora rǽd tó his willan, Hml. Th. i. 12, 7. [v. N. E. D. rede.] v. frum-, tún-rǽd. ræd