Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - scógan
Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:
scógean, sceógan, scóan (? v. scóung), sceón;
- scógan
- p. scóde; pp. scód. sceód To shoe, put on (one's) shoes, furnish with shoes :-- Ic scóge (sceóge) mé calceo vel calcio, Ælfc. Gr. 26, 6; Zup. 158, 8. Se engel cwæð : Begyrd ðé, and sceó (gisceó ðec, Rtl. 58, 11) ðé, and fylig mé, Homl. Th. ii. 382, 9. Sceógiaþ calciate, Engl. Stud. ix. 40. Sceógeaþ eówre fétt, Past. 5, 2; Swt. 44, 10. Cf. His mǽgas hine anscógen óðre fét ðæt mon mǽge siððan hátan his tún ðæs anscódan tún unum ei pedem propinquus discalciet, ejusque habitaculum domum discalceati vocet, Swt. 43, 16. Se biþ mid ryhte óðre fét anscód (on-, Cott. MSS.), and hine mon scyle on bismer hátan se anscóda (discalceatus), Swt. 45, 8. [Scheoinde ou & cloðinde putting on your shoes and clothes, A. R. 16, 4. Heo scoiden (soide hire stedes, 2nd MS.), Laym. 22291. Ræftres midirene iscod, 7831. O. H. Ger. scuohón; p. scuohta : Icel. skóa, skúa to shoe.]