
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - tídung

Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:


f. Tidings:--Hí cýddan ðam cinge eall. Ðá wearð se cing swýþe blíðe [ðis]sere tídunge, Chr. 995; Th. 244, 38. [Ich þonkie mine drihte þissere tidinge, Laym. 24907. Gabriel brohte hire þe tidinge of Godes akenesse, H. M. 45, 7. Swilc tiding ðhugte Adam god, Gen. and Ex. 407. Ich mai bringe tidinge (tiþinge, Cot. MS.), O. and N. 1035. Tydyng, R. Glouc. 172, 1. Tyþing, 79, 11. No tale ne tiðinge of þe worlde, A. R. 70, 19. M. H. Ger. zítunge: Du. tijding. Cf. the forms in -ende, -mde:--Þa come þe tidende (tidinge, 2nd MS.) þat Aganippus was dead, Laym. 3734. Tiðinde (tidinge, 2nd MS.), 5153. Neowe tidinde (tidinge, 2nd MS.) fresh events, 2052. Goddspell on Ennglissh nemmnedd iss . . . god tiþennde, Orm. D. 158. Icel. tíðindi tidings; an event: Dan. tidende. The use of the word, even if its form be not borrowed from Scandinavian, seems to shew Scandinavian influence.]

Verwandte Wörter: tídan. tidung
