
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - wácmódness

Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:


f. I. weakness of character, moral weakness :-- Ðý læs sió scyld, ðe hiene costaþ, for his luste and for his wácmódnesse hine ofersuíðe ne vitium, quod tentat, mollitie delectationis subigat, Past. 13; Swt. 79, 22. II. faintheartedness, want of courage, pusillanimity, cowardice :-- Ignauia, ðæt is wácmódnys, Wulfst. 52, 18. Se fífta leahtor is unrótnys ðissere worulde. Of ðam bið ácenned wácmódnys.... and his sylfes orwénnys, Homl. Th. ii. 220, 19. Of wácmódnesse and of unbieldo oððe of untrymnesse módes oððe líchoman infirmitate, Past. 21; Swt. 159, 1. Gedréfde mid wácmódnesse pusillanimitate turbatos, 32; Swt. 213, 6. For wácmódnesse from want of courage, 40; Swt. 289, 3. Ongeán módstaðolnysse and módes strencðe se deófol sendeþ wácmódnesse and lyðerne earhscype, Wulfst. 53, 12. III. weakness, feebleness :-- Sí foresceáwod wácmódnyss (inbecillitas), nateshwón heom (old men and children) stíðnis regoles ná sí gehealdan on fódum, R. Ben. Interl. 68, 14. Untrumera wácmódnesse, 72, 3. [Cf. O. H. Ger. weih-mótí pusillanimitas, teneritudo.] wacmodness