
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - wripan

Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:

p. wráþ, pl. wriþon; pp. wriþen. I. to twist, give a curved form to :-- Ic wríðe torqueo, Ælfc. Gr. 26, 3; Zup. 155, 14. Wriðene (cf. wriþa, II) wælhlencan, Elen. Kmbl. 47; El. 24. II. to bind up, wrap round, bandage :-- Hé wráð (alligavif) his wunda, Lk. Skt. 10, 34. Ða ðe forbrocene wǽron, ða gé ne wriþon ouae fractae erant, eas non ligavistis, L. Ecg. P. iii. 16; Th. ii. 202, 26. Ðá wǽron monige ðe his mǽg wriðon, Beo. Th. 5957; B. 2982. Ðá bebeád hé him ðæt hé ða tólýsdan geþeódnesse mínre heáfudwunde gesette and wriþe dissolutam mihi emicranii juncturam componere atque alligare jussit. Bd. 5, 6; S. 620, 14. Hé wearð wriþen ofer wunda. Exon. Th. 435, 27; Rä. 54, 7. III. to bind one thing to another :-- Nim ða sylfan wyrt, lege on ðone naflan, and wríð ðǽrtó swýðe fæste. Lchdm. i. 82, 25. IV. to bind, fetter :-- Oft wíf hine (a dog) wríð, Exon. Th. 434, 3 ; Rä. 51, 5. Ic hine heardan clammum wríþan þóhte, Beo. Th. 1933; B. 964. [Of one wrase of þornes he wryþeñ hym one crune, Misc. 48, 383. Wrythyñ idem quod wrestyñ torqueo, wrythyñ or wrethyñ tortus, iorsus, Prompt. ParO. H. Ger. gi-rídan contorquere: Icel. ríða to twist, knit, wind.] v. á-, be-, ge-, oter- (Lchdm. ii. 130, 10), tó-, un-wríþan. wripan

Verwandte Wörter: 534. Me dide cnotted strenges abuton here hæued and uurythen to ð it gsede to þe hæmes, Chr. 1137; Erl. 262, 6.ȝe mote uaste heom wriðen mid strongen sæilrapen. Laym. 17394.
