
Diccionario Anglo-Sajón de Inglés Antiguo de Bosworth & Toller - cniht

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Add: I. a youth:--Scipia wæs cniht (adolescens), Ors. 4, 10; S. 196, 12. Ic eom cnioht (puer), Past. 49, 7. Hé his cnieht lǽrde: 'Sunu mín,' 287, 10. Se drý wearþ fǽringa geong cniht and sóna eft eald man, Bl. H. 175, 3. Hé þone cniht (Hæsten's son) ágef and þæt wíf, Chr. 894; P. 86, 31. Ðone cniht (Alcibiades se æðeling, 19) ðurhseón, Bt. 32, 2; F. 116, 23. Cnihtas, geonglingas puberes, Wrt. Voc. ii. 66, 12. Ealle ðá cnihtas and ealle ðá mǽdena (the firstborn of Egypt), Ors. 1, 7; S. 38, 15. I a. an unmarried man. II:--Hit bið rihtlic líf þæt cniht þurhwunige on his cnihtháde, oð þæt he on rihtre ǽwe gewífige, Wlfst. 304, 20: Ll. Th. ii. 332, 28. II. a servant, man, follower:--Cniht clitus vel clientulus, Wrt. Voc. ii. 50, 32. Hit is niédðearf ðæt mon his hláford ondrǽde, and se cneoht his mágister, Past. 109, 13. Karl þæs cincges cniht, Cht. Th. 312, 33. Ic geann Wulfgáre mínan cnihte þæs landes, 545, 28: 559, 10. Ic geann Æðelwine mínon cnihte ðæs swurdes þe hé mé ǽr sealde, 561, 20. Ic gean Wulmǽre mínum cnihte landes for his gódra gearnunge, Cht. E. 238, 19. Cnihta parasitorum, An. Ox. 4165. II a. a man engaged in military service, a soldier:--Byrð se cniht his swurd portat miles gladium, Ælfc. T. Grn. 20, 26. Þú sylst árleásum cnihte (militi) þæt þú nelt syllan sácerde, Scint. 109, 10. Þá cnihtas (the two spies in Jericho), Jos. 2, 14. Wǽron innan þám castele Oda bs cnihtas, Chr. 1087; P. 224, 4. Seofen hundred þes cynges cnihta, 1094; P. 229, 17. Sume of ðám cnihtan, 1083; P. 215, 9. II b. a disciple, scholar. v. leorning-cniht:--Se hǽþena scop and his cniht historicus ejusque breviator, Ors. 1, 5; S. 32, 28. Paulus manode his cneoht (discipulum), Past. 97, 12. Cniht, 169, 16. III. a soldier of rank, a knight:--Ealle þá ríce men, arcebiscopas, and leódbs, abbodas and eorlas, þegnas and cnihtas, Chr. 1086; P. 220, 2. Swíðe góde cnihtas, Eustatius þe iunga, and Rógeres eorles þreó sunan, and ealle þá betstboren men þe wǽron innan þisan lande, 1087; P. 224, 28. v. búr-, ceáp-, cípe-, hel-, heorþ-, híréd-, hors-cniht. cniht

Palabras relacionadas: cniht-hád,
