
Diccionario Anglo-Sajón de Inglés Antiguo de Bosworth & Toller - emne

Según el Diccionario de Inglés Antiguo:

comp. emnor, emnar; ad æquālĭter, æque, omnīno :-- Sió sunne and se móna habbaþ todǽled betwuht him ðone dæg and ða niht swíðe emne the sun and the moon have divided the day and the night very equally between them, Bt. 39, 13; Fox 234, 6: Bt. Met. Fox 29, 72; Met. 29, 35: Ps. Th. 9, 8. Crist hiene selfne ge-eáþmédde emne óþ ðone deáþ Christ humbled himself even unto death. Past. 41, 1; Hat. MS. 56 a, 22: 50; Hat. MS: Cd. 92; Th. 116, 28; Gen. 1943: Bt. Met. Fox 9, 76; Met. 9, 38: 13, 89; Met. 13, 45: Andr. Kmbl. 227; An. 114: 441; An. 221: 665; An. 333. Ne wéne ic ðæt ǽnige twegen látteówas emnar gefuhton I do not think that any two leaders fought more equally. Ors. 3, 1; Bos. 53, 32. v. efne. emne

Palabras relacionadas: Equally, even, exactly, precisely, just;
