
Diccionario Anglo-Sajón de Inglés Antiguo de Bosworth & Toller - ge-wylde

Según el Diccionario de Inglés Antiguo:

adj. Subject, under one's power or control, in one's possesion :-- Him wæs gelíce gewylde his wynstre and his swíðre utraque manu pro dextra utebatur, Jud. 3, 15. Nis us nán lim swá gewylde to ǽlcum weorce swá us sind úre fingras we have no limb so at our disposal for every work as are the fingers, Homl. Th. ii. 204, 7. Seó gewylde gleáwnes consummata prudentia, Nar. 2, 1. He hit eft gedyde unc swá gewylde swá hit ðá wæs ðá we hit him óðfæstan he should put it again as much under our control as it was when we entrusted it to him, Th. Chart. 484, 30: Cod. Dipl. Kmbl. he found no more land belonging thereto than two hides, Th. Chart. 429, 3. Swá he swíðor syngaþ swá he deófle gewyldra biþ the more he sins the more he will be in the devil's power, Homl. Th. i. 268, 24. v. un-gewylde. ge-wylde

Palabras relacionadas: 120, 19. He ne funde nán máre landes ðe ðiderynn gewylde wǽre ðonne twá hída landes
