Diccionario Anglo-Sajón de Inglés Antiguo de Bosworth & Toller - gold-hord
Según el Diccionario de Inglés Antiguo:
- gold-hord
- m. n. A treasure, treasury; thesaurus :-- Nellen gé goldhordian eów goldhordas on eorþan ... goldhordiaþ eów goldhordas on heofenan ... ðær ðín goldhord is ðǽr is ðín heorte nolite thesaurizare vobis thesauros in terra ... thesaurizate vobis thesauros in cælo ... ubi est thesaurus tuus, ibi est cor tuum, Mt. Kmbl. 6, 19-21: 2, 11: 13, 44, 52: Exon. 19 b; Th. 49, 18; Cri. 787. Goldhord dǽlan to distribute treasure, Cd. 173; Th. 216, 16; Dan. 2. Ðæt goldhord, ðæt yldum wæs lange behýded the treasure that was long hidden from men, Elen. Kmbl. 1578; El. 791. Goldhord thesaurarium, Ælfc. Gl. 109; Som. 79, 23; Wrt. Voc. 58, 63. He gesette ðone gársecg on his goldhorde ponens in thesauris abyssos, Ps. Th. 32, 6. Ðe forþlǽdeþ fægere windas of his goldhordum qui producit ventos de thesauris suis, Ps. Th. 134, 8. gold-hord