
Diccionario Anglo-Sajón de Inglés Antiguo de Bosworth & Toller - losian

Según el Diccionario de Inglés Antiguo:

p. ode To perish, be lost, stray, escape :-- 'Drihten ic losige.' Cweþ 'ic losige' ðý læs ðe ðú losige 'Lord, I perish.' Say 'I perish,' lest thou perish, Homl. Th. ii. 394, 1-2. Hwílum losaþ sió stemn sometimes the voice is lost, L. M. 2, 51; Lchdm, ii. 264, 14. Hwæt losaþ ǽfre ðam ælmihtigan Gode what is ever lost to the Almighty God? Homl. Skt. 11, 278. Gif hwylc mann hæfþ hund sceápa and him losaþ án of ðám ... ða nigon and hundnigontig ðe ná ne losedon si fuerint alicui centum oves et erraverit una ex eis ... nonaginta novem, quæ non erraverunt, Mt. Kmbl.18, 12, 13: Homl. Th. i. 338, 27. Nó hé on helm losaþ she shall not escape into shelter, Beo. Th. 2789; B. 1392. Ealra ðæra sáwla ðe þurh ðæt losiaþ all the souls that perish through that, L. I. P. 19; Th. ii. 328, 37. Ðæt sǽd ðe feóll be ðam wege mid twýfealdre dare losode [perished], Homl. Th. ii. 90, 14. Ðá losade hió him sóna she was at once lost to him, Bt. 35, 6; Fox 170, 15. Hé onweg losade he escaped, Beo. Th. 4199; B. 2096. Fíftig þurh fleám onweg losedon quinquaginta fuga lapsos esse, Bd. 2, 2; S. 504, 6. Dý læs ðe ðú losige ne tu pereas, Gen. 19, 15. Gif hé losige and hine mon eft gefó if he escape and be caught a second time, L. Alf. pol. 7; Th. i. 66, 11: 1; Th. i. 60, 17. Gif hit [feoh] him losige, 20; Th. i. 74, 17. Gaderiaþ ða láfe and hí ne losion gather the remnants, and let them not be lost, Homl. Th. i. 182, 21. Ne sceal hé for ðám læssan losian he shall not be lost for the lesser sins, ii. 336, 22. Swá swá seó beó sceal losian, ðonne heó hwæt yrringa stingþ, Bt. 31, 2; Fox 112, 26. Ðætte nú foraldod is ðæt is forneáh losad quod enim antiquatur, prope interitum est, Past. 30; Swt. 205, 9. Ðonne ðé mon ǽrest secge ðæt ðín ceáp sý losod, Lchdm. iii. 60, 9: L. Eth. ii. 8; Th. i. 288, 15. Mé syndon losode fóta gangas effusi sunt gressus mei, Ps. Th. 72, 1.

Palabras relacionadas: ge-losian. losian
