Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - be-swápan
Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :
- be-swápan
- Substitute: I. to sweep; fig. to sweep into the mind, inspire with a resolution (cf. on-swápan under swápan, II in Dict.] :-- Gif hwylc sý ꝥ Rǽdwolde on mód beswápe, ꝥ hé þé náwiht lá þes ne dó si qui sit, qui Redualdo suadeat, ut nec ipse tibi aliquid male faciat, Bd. 2, 12; Sch. 156, 21. II. to wrap up, cover up :-- Heó hié mid scytari besweóp caput linteo cooperuit, Bd. 3, 9 ; Sch. 232, 10. Hé mid healfum (sciccelse) hine sylfne besweóp, Bl. H. 215, 8. Bisweópun hine mið líne ligauerumt cum linteis, Jn. R. 19, 40. Biswápen mid hregle amictus vestimento, Ps. Srt. 103, 2. Hé bió wið ǽlce orsorgnesse besuápen mid ðyssum mægenum contra prospera virtutum ornamento muniatur, Past. 83, 11. Hé bií besuápen mid swíðe wlitige ofer-brǽdelse on bǽm sculdrum quanta in utroque humero superhumeralis pulchritudine tegatur, 21. [He isejð him selfe be senne beswapen, O. E. Hml. i. 239, 32. O. H. Ger. pi-sweifan.] be-swapan