Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - be-wyrcan
Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :
- be-wyrcan
- wool (1. 6) add: cf. non sum setigero lanarum vellere facta (Aldhelm), dele: Hé . . . Jos. 2, 1, and add: I. to build round, surround :-- Hé þone oxan beworhte mid wuda. Hml. S. 18, 124. Hí bronda láfe wealle beworhton, B. 3162. Lǽmen fæt biwyrcan wudubeámum, Jul. 575. pá fótlástas wǽron beworht mid ǽrne hweóle. Shrn. 81, 12. I a. of fortification :-- Hí héhtan bewyrcean þá burh æt Weogernaceastre, Cht. Th. 137, 6. Iericho wæs mid seofon weallum beworht, Hml. Th. ii. 212, 26. Hé hét sceáwian Hiericho, hú heó beworht wæs, Jos. 2, 1. II. to cover over with metal :-- Heó þá cartan beworhte mid leáde. Hml. S. 3, 532. Hé beworhte ðá bígelsas mid gyldenum læfrum, Hml. Th. ii. 498, 2. Hió ðá róde bewyrcan hét mid golde and mid seolfre, H. R. 15, 13. Wǽpenu mid gyldenum þelum bewyrcean arma aureis includere laminis, Nar. 7, 12. III. to furnish with buildings :-- Bufan ðǽm wealle ofer ealne þone ymbgong hé is mid stǽnenum wighúsum beworht (habitaeulis defensorum dispositis), Ors. 2, 4 ; S. 74, 21. IV. to shut up in a building :-- Hét hire faeder hí bewyrcean on ánum torre, Shrn. 105, 33. [N. E. D. be-work.] be-wyrcan