Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - beard
Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :
- m. I. a BEARD; barba :-- Ne beard ne sciron nec radetis barbam, LeWyc. Smyringc niðerfeól on bearde, bearde Aarones unguentum descendit in barbam, barbam Aaronis, Ps. Lamb. 132, 2. II. the Anglo-Saxons were proud of their beards, and to shave a layman by force was a legal offence :-- Gif man ðone beard ofascire, mid xx scillinga gebéte. Gif he hine gebinde, and ðonne to preoste bescire, mid LX scillinga gebéte if a man shave off the beard, let him make amends [boot] with xx shillings. If he bind him, and then shave him like a priest, let him make amends [boot] with lx shillings, L. Alf. pol. 35; Th. i. 84, 8. [Laym. baerd : Plat. Dut. baard, m : Frs. berd, bird, m : Ger. bart, m : Icel. bart, n.] beard