
Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - écan

Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :

ǽcan, ícan, iécan, ýcan, ýcean, ic éce, ðú écest, he écþ,

pl. écaþ; p. écte, pl. écton, éhton; pp. éced [eáca an addition] To EKE, increase, prolong, add; augēre, appōnĕre :-- Dú scealt écan ðíne yrmþu thou shalt increase thy wretchedness. Andr. Kmbl. 2767; An. 1386. Gé écaþ eówre ermþe ye increase your poverty. Bt. 26, 2; Fox 94, 9. Ðæt écþ his ermþa that augments his misery, 29, 1; Fox 102, 19. Écte ðæt spell mid leóþe he prolonged the speech with verse, 12; Fox 36, 6: Ps. Th. 104, 20. Hí hira firena furður éhton appŏsuērunt adhuc peccāre ei, 77, 19. Ðæt se awyrgeda ne éce, ðæt he hine leng myclie ofer eorþan ut non appōnat ultra magnifĭcāre se hŏmo sŭper terram, 9, 38. Hwæt biþ ðé ealles seald oððe éced swá from ðære inwitfullan yflan tungan quid dētur tĭbi aut quid appōnātur tĭbi a lingua dŏlōsa? 119, 3. DER. æt-écan, ge-, to-, to-æt-, to-ge-: to-æt-ýcnys. ecan