Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - fleógan
Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :
- fleógan
- Add: I. to fly with wings (lit. or metaph.) :-- Né ic fleóge non trano, Wrt. Voc. ii. 61, 49. Hwelc seleð mé fíðru swé swé culfran and ic flígu (volabo), Ps. Srt. 54, 7. Hé ástág on þone torr, and áþenedum earmum ongan fleógan on þá lyfte, Bl. H. 187, 28. Hé geseah hine fleógendne, 189, l. Hé symble mid his móde wæs fleógende (flégende, ) þá heofonlican tó lufianne ad caelestia semper amanda peruolans. Bd. 2, 7; Sch. 139, ii. II. of other (rapid) movement :-- Ýfies seáw þæs þe be eorþan flíhð that runs along the ground, Lch. ii. 40, 27. Hé eóde tó þǽre burge wealle, and fleáh út ofer (he threw himself over), þæt hé eall tóbærst, Ors. 5, 12; S. 244, 3. Flugon þá légetu swylce fýrene strǽlas, Bl. H. 203, 9. Gif mon óðrum þá hond útan forsleá . . . gif hió healf onweg fleóge, LI. Th. i. 98, 9. III. to flee. [v. fleón.] (1) lit. :-- Þ UNCERTAIN man gingran mann ne slóge . , , búton hé hine werian wolde oþþe fleóge, Ll. Th. i. 240, (2) to avoid, refrain from :-- Por and cawel sind tó fleóganne, Lch. ii. 26, 19. IV. to cause to move (?), put to flight. Cf. fleón, III :-- Se móna næfð nánre mihte wiht ꝥ hé þǽre nihte genipu mæge fleógan (flecgan, MS. ) pallida nocturnam nec praestat luna lucernam, Dom. L. 110. v. tó-fleógan. fleogan