Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - for-beran
Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :
- for-beran
- Add; (i) to bear pain, hardship, &c. , endure, sustain. (a) with acc. :-- Forbær perferebat, i. sustinebat (calamiiatum insectationes), Aa. Ox. 2979. Se Hǽlend micel forbær for ús, Hml. A. 72, 177. Hwaeðer ðú þone écan bryne forberan mage, 196, 47. Tó forberende laturus (caumala soils), An. Ox. 18 b, 53. Geol(s)ter forberende uirus ferentes, An. Ox, 4856. (b) with clause :-- Ic ne mæhte þeáh forberan þæt ic æmbe ne specce, Solil. H. 20, 5. Heó ne mihte forbæran ꝥ heó hit leng forhǽle, Hml. S. 30, 348. (c) absolute :-- Hǽte oþ ꝥ hit sié swá hát swá þín finger forberan mæge. Lch. ii. 236, 28. Lege tó þǽm setle swá ðú hátost forberan mæge, iii. 30, 20. (2) to bear with, tolerate, not to stop :-- Hí setton mé ín edwít þæt ic eáðe forbær rúme regulas, Gú. 459. Hwílum ðeáh hit mon cúðlíce wite hit is tó forberanne aliquando vitia aperte cognita mature toleranda sunt, Past. 151, 10. Míne witan secgað ꝥ ic hit tó lange forboren hæbbe, Ll. Th. i. 220, 4. (3) to bear with patiently, without getting angry, put up with, not to resent, not to punish :-- Forberet dissimulat (injuriam), Kent. Gl. 411. Gif hé geþyldelíce forbyrð ;ǽgðer ge hosp ge edwítu si inlatas sibi injurias visus fuerit patientes portare, R. Ben. 97, 6. Hí wǽron geþyldige and ǽlcne hosp hí forbǽron for þæs Hǽlendes naman . . . wé nellað forberan án bysmorlic word, Hml. S. 28, 131, 136. Gif on gebeórscipe hié gecíden, and óðer hiora mid geþylde hit forbere, Ll. Th. i. 106, 12. (3 a) with dat. of person to whom forbearance is shewn :-- Ðæt hié nó lǽs ne geðencen hwæt óðre men him forberað and geðafiað, ðonne hié geðenc-eað hwaet hí óðrum monnum forberað ut non tam, quae ab altero tolerat, quam quae ab ipso tolerantur, attendat, Past. 397, 5-6. Him mon geðyldelícor forbær hiera irre, 295, i. Ðsém monnum ðé wé for geðylde hwæt forberan sculon, ðæt wé hié sculon eác lufian quos ex patientia tolerat, amare etiam non cessat, 222, 6 : 394, 10. Ðá wǽron ungesǽligran ðe him unrihtlíce hiora yfel forboren wǽre, þonne þá wǽren þe him hiora yfel ryhtlíce on gewrecen wǽre, Bt. 38, 4; F. 204, 18. (4) to endure the absence or privation of something, to do without :-- Mon scel ǽr geðencean, ǽr hé hwæt selle, ðæt hé hit forberan mæge bútan hreówe, Past. 325, 18. (5) to abstain from action, desist from, (a) with acc. :-- Gif hwelc mon forbireð his synna for ðǽm ege ánum ðæs wítes si a prava actione formidata poena prohibet, Past. 265, l. Hié forberað ǽghwelce unryhte tǽlinge ab omni se peste obtrectationis abstinentes, 199, 4. (b) with negative clause :-- Hé forbierð ðæt hé ne syngað, Past. 407, 5. Suá suá Dauid forbær ðæt hé Saul ne dorste ofsleán for Godes ege . . . suá suá Dauit forbær ðæt hé ne slóg mid his sueorde Saul, suá hié forberað ðæt hié mid ðǽm sueorde hiera tungna tǽlinge ne sleáð hira hláfurdes ðeáwas. . . Gif hié eallunge forberan ne mægen . . . ðæt hié hit ne scíren Saul Dauid ferire metuit. . . subditorum mentes . . . praepositorum vitam nullo linguae gladio percutiunt. . . Qui siquando sese abstinere vix possunt, ut . . . loquantur, 199, 2-9. Þ UNCERTAIN gé forberen þ gé deófolgyld ne weorðien. ne blód ne þicgen, Ll. Th. i. 56, 25. Hwá mæg forbæran ꝥ hé ꝥ ne siofige, Bt. 36, i; F. 172, 13. (5 a) to abstain :-- Þ UNCERTAIN gé forberen from dernum geligerum, Ll. Th. i. 56, 25. (6) to refrain from using :-- Ðá fæstendan ne forsáwen ðá etendan, for ðǽm ðe hié ðǽre Godes giefe brucaí ðá ðe óðre forberað, Past. 319, 10. (7) to restrain. Cf. wyrt-forbor :-- Gif mon sié wyrtum forboren . . . wiþ þon þe mon sié forboren . . . ne mæg [man] hine wyrtum forberan, Lch. ii. 114, 8-12. Gif hyt mid geswelle on forboren byð if the poison be kept in with, the swelling, i. 92, 8. [O.H.Ger. fer-beran abstinere, continere. "] for-beran