
Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - fretan

Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :

Add: (i) of human beings :-- Freteð lurcatur (gula dulcis fercula victus, Aid. 204, 24), Wrt. Voc. ii. 96, 43 : 52, 36. (l a) figurative :-- Sácerdas þe fretað and forswelgað folces synna sacerdotes qui comedunt peccata populi, Ll. Th. ii. 326, 40.Þá þe freotas (deuorant) hús widwana. Mk. R. 12, 40. (2) of animals :-- Ðæt ilce ðæt se hund áspáw, hé hit eft frit, Past. 419, 30. Fryt devorat, Ll. Th. ii. 174, 31. Fretan lurcare (gulosa beluarum ingluvies praedam lurcare non audens, Aid. 49, 8), Wrt. Voc. ii. 82, 51: 52, 35. (3) to destroy by the action of (mid) animals or things :-- Hié þæt corn frǽton mid hirá horsum, Chr. 894; P. 88, n. 4 Ðonne hié bióð innan fretene mid ðǽre ádle dum se ista intrinsecus peste consumunt. Past. 235, ii.

Mots connexes: ge-fretan ; moþ-freten. fretan
