
Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - ge-lang

Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :

Add: I. of an object, to be got, coming (1) from (æt) a person on whose good will the grant or possession of the object depends, where the recipient of the object depends upon the person for it. (a) the object material:--Hí setton him ǽnne wicnere getreówne . . . æt þám wæs gelang eall heora fóda (they depended upon him for all their food), Hml. S. 23, 218. (b) the object non-material:--Æt þé is úre lýf gelang salus nostra in manu tua est, Gen. 47, 25. Bið æt Gode ánum gelang eal, hwæt wé gefaran scylon, Wlfst. 122, 8. Is seó bót gelong eal æt þé ánum, Cri. 152. Is eal æt þé lissa gelong, B. 2150. (2) from or in a place (hwǽr, þǽr). (a) the object material:--Eáþe wé magon geseón on óþre healfe úrra feónda hwǽr se drinca is gelang . . . ac . . . wé him ne magon búton gefeohte tó cuman aquam quidem in conspectu esse respondit, sed eam ferro vindicandam, Ors. 5, 8; S. 232, 10. (b) the object non-material:--Þǽr is ár gelang fíra gehwilcum þám þe hié findan cann, An. 981: Jul. 645: Seef. 121. II. of a circumstance, event. (1) dependent upon (on), attributable, owing to a person:--Gif þú wénst ꝥ hit on þé gelong sé ꝥ þá woruldsǽlþa on þé swá onwenda sint, Bt. 7, 2; F. 16, 29. Gif hit deád weorðe bútan fulluhte, and hit on preóste gelang sý, Wlfst. 120, 10. (2) consequent upon, resulting from, attributable to a cause:--Hié hæfdon longsum gefeoht ǽr þára folca áþor fluge. Þæt wæs swíþost on ðǽm gelong, þæt Hasterbal swá late fleáh for þon þe hé elpendas mid him hæfde diu incertus belli eventus fuit, elephantis maxime Romanam infestantibus aciem, Ors. 4, 10; S. 198, 26. Frægn Scipia hiene an hwý hit gelang wǽre ꝥ Numentie swá rade áhnescaden (qua ope res Numantina fuisset eversa), 5, 3; S. 222, 15.

Mots connexes: ge-lenge. ge-lang
