Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - ge-regnian
Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :
- ge-regnian
- Add: I. to put in order, garnish, trim:-- Hí gehríndon (ornauerunt) léhtfato hiora, Mt. L. 25, 7. Hús mið bésmumgeclǽnsad and gehrínæd domum scopis mundatam ef ornatam, 12, 44. II. toprepare, dress material, inficere (cf. ? vellera succo inficere, Ald. 75, 17).Gerénodne senep, Lch. ii. 184, 8. Qenim hrýþeren flǽsc gesoden on ecedeand mid ele gerénod mid sealte, 186, 18. Swá gerénode, 62, 7. III. to arrange,contrive, plan :-- Wíf, gif heó midhwylcum cræfte hirehǽmed gerénaðmulier, si aliquo molimine, fornicationem suam peregerit. Ll. Th. ii. 156, 8.Þæs geregnedan concinnati (cf. ? concinnati facinoris, Ald. 38, 27), Wrt. Voc.ii. 23, 80. Geregnodae mendacio conposito, Txts. 76, 618. Gerénode, Wrt. Voc.ii. 55, 63. IV. io ornament, adorn :-- Gé gehrínas (ornatis) byrgenna sóðfæstra,Mt. L. 23, 29. Hé hit (a book) gihrínade mið golde and mid gimmuni, Jn. p. 188,4. Ðæt hrægl . . . scolde beón . . . gerénod mid golde, Past. 83, 24. Gerénodcæppe penula, Wrt. Voc. i. 25, 55. Geafum gehríned (ornatum), Lk. L. 21, 5. ILLEGIBLEteþú sié gihrínad exornari, Rtl. 105, 19. Ic anti &Æðelwerdæ ánæs gerǽnodæsdrincæhornæs, C. D. iii. 361, 8. Sittan on gerénedum scridwǽne in curulisedere, Bt. 27, I ; F. 96, l. Ne mé ná ne lyst heáhsetla mid golde and midgimmum gerénedra, 5, I; F. 10, 17. &Æteó-wigende him þá gerénodan tunecan, Hml.S. 10, 66. &Ðás fato cræfte gihrínado ǽðenra giclǽnsiga haecvascula, arte fabricata gentilium. emundare, Rtl. 97, 27. v. un-geregnod, ymb-gerénod ge-regnian