Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - ge-wunian
Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :
- ge-wunian
- Add: A. intrans. I. to remain. (1) of persons. (a) to remain as resident, visitor, &c., live, dwell, stay, tarry, abide. (α) in a place:--Hé gewunade l gebýde (habitavit) in Capharnaum, Mt. L. 4, 13. Hé gewunade on móre morabatur in monte, Lk. L. R. 21, 37. Huér gewunade ubi maneret, Jn. L. 1, 39. Gewunedon l gebýedon ðér habitant ibi, Mt. L. 12, 45. Gebédon hine ꝥte ðér geuunade (maneret), and uunade ðér tuoege dagas, Jn. L. R. 4, 40. Hí ne mihton ealle ætgædere gewunian þǽr, Chr. P. 3, 9. Ꝥ heó sylfe magan þe oftor on mynstrum fæste gewunian and regollíce libban, Ll. Th. i. 348, 2. Hé ne mihte on húse gewunian ac on byrgenum neque in domo manebat sed in monumentis, Lk. 8, 27. Tó dæge in hús ðín gedæfned is mé gewunia (manere), Lk. L. 19, 5. Sceoldon his þegnas þǽr gewunian atolan éðles, Sat. 326. ¶ figurative:--Ǽlc þára ástynt þe on ðé (God) gewunað Deus, in quo manere, consistere est, Solil. H. 6, 21. (β) with a person:--Gewunade Maria mid hiá suælce mónaðum ðriim mansit Maria cum illa quasi mensibus tribus, Lk. 1, 56. Hé ðér gewunade mið ðǽm illic morabatur cum eis, Jn. L. 3, 22. Mið hine gewunadun (mansuerunt) on dæge ðǽm, Jn. R. L. 1, 39. (b) to keep one's position:--Án æfter ánum fromfoerdun and giwunade (remansit) ðe Hǽlend ána, Jn. R. L. 8, 9. (c) denoting continuance, permanence, to continue. (α) continuance of position, to keep on in the same place, not to depart from a person or place:--Góst ꝥte giwunað iówih mid in écnisse, Jn. R. 14, 16. Hwona ꝥte gehérde, ðonne giwunade (mansit) in ðuér ilca stówwe, Jn. R. L. 11, 6. Gif ǽnig ámánsumad man on þæs cynges neáweste gewunige, Ll. Th. i. 312, 2. Gif morðwyrhtan . . . tó þám geþrístian ꝥ hí on þæs cyninges neáweste gewunian, 324, 13. Se consul wénde ꝥ hé búton sorge mehte on þǽm wintersetle gewunian þe hé þá on wæs, Ors. 4, 8; S. 188, 5: Jul. 375. His þegnas hine ne mihton leng mid gewunian, Bt. 38, 1; F. 194, 26. (β) continuance of condition, existence:--Fore ðon ꝥ deáðe biðon forbodeno giuunia idcirco quod morte prohiberentur permanere (Heb. 7, 24), Rtl. 90, 28. Ic hine willo giwuniga (geuuni l ꝥte hé gewuniga manere, L.) oð ðæt ic cymo, Jn. R. 21, 22. (γ) of action, conduct:--Gif gié gewunas in uorde mínum, ðeignas mína gié biðon, Jn. L. 8, 31. Hé in his gebede gewunade, Gr. D. 16, 21. Frófre gæst in Gúðláces geóce gewunade, Gú. 108. (2) of animals or things (material or non-material). (a) to occupy a position temporarily or permanently, rest, lie:--Gif uorda mína in iúch hiá gewunias (manserint), Jn. L. 15, 7. Ic gesæh ðone gást ádúne stígende suælce culfræ and gewunede ofer hine, Jn. L. R. 1, 32. Hafuc sceal on glófe gewunian the place for the hawk is the (falconer's) glove, Gn. C. 18. (b) to remain, not to be removed, be left:--Ꝥte ne geuunadon (remanerent) on róda ðá líchomo, Jn. L. R. 19, 31. Ðá æfterra gewuna wé ondetað ðæt hé wéron reliqua manere pateremur ut fuerant, Mt. p. 2, 18. (c) where continuance is marked. (α) where position is maintained:--Gif se bríw and se drenc inne gewuniað, Lch. ii. 320, 18. Wið þon þe him mete under ne gewunige if his food will not keep down, 190, 1. Suǽ ðió palmtreó ne mæge gebrenge wæstem búta geuuniga in wíngearde, suǽ ne gié búta in mec gié gewunige, Jn. L. 15, 4. Ne mæg him mete under gewunian, Lch. ii. 198, 23: 158, 26. (β) of continued existence:--Eáða mæhte ðætte hiá gewunadon wið ðiósne ondueard dæge, Mt. L. 11, 23. Urǽððo geunia getrymeð, Jn. p. 4, 3. Þá gesǽlða ne magon simle gewunigen, Met. 2, 19. II. to be or become accustomed, be wont, to accustom oneself:--Ic gewunige soleo, Ælfc. Gr. Z. 204, 11. Soleo ic gewunige, . . . solitus gewunod tó sumum ðincge, soliturus sé ðe sceal beón gewunod, 247, 5-7: Hml. Th. ii. 278, 29. Gewunade adsuetae, Wrt. Voc. ii. 9, 8. Geára gewunan oððe gewunede obtani, 65, 4. (1) with tó and noun (pronoun) of accustomed action, to be in the habit of, get into the habit of, get used to:--Hé bið on oferméttu áwended and gewunað tó ðǽm gielpe cor in elationem usu gloriae permutatur, P. 35, 13. Hit gewunað tó ðǽm synnum . . . hit orsorglíce gewunode tó ðǽm lytlum mens assueta maiis . . . in minimis didicit non temendo peccare, 437, 29-31. Hý eal óðer specað anð óðer híwiað . . . þá beóð rihtlíceteras þe tó ðám gewuniað, Wlfst. 54, 15. Geswícað eówra misdǽda and gewuniað tó gódan dǽdan quiescite agere perverse, discite benefacere, 48, 21. Ǽghwylc crísten man gewunige tó scrifte, Ll. Th. i. 310, 5; 322, 5: Past. 61, 20. Ne gewunigen gé tó oferetolnisse non ambulemus in commessationibus, 317, 18. Ne hé ne mæge fullíce gewunian tó gódum weorcum nec ad usum boni operis valet assurgere, 73, 14. Hé hæfð tó gódum weorce gewunad, 65, 15. (2) with dat. infin.:--Gewuniað þá sýfre Godes þegnas mid móde and stefne God tó wurðian, Angl. viii. 319, 32. His módor gewunode tó fédenne henna gallinas nutrire consueverat, Gr. D. 69, 25. (3) with infin.:--Ðá fǽmnan þe gewuniað onfón wiccan, Ll. Th. i. 52, 9. Hé gewunode on þám gesettum tídum þone ryne his síðfætes gefæstnian, Hml. S. 23 b, 162. (4) with clause:--Gewunode án þeóf ꝥ hé stáh ofer þone hege fur consueverat per sepem ascendere, Gr. D. 23, 22: 68, 15: 69, 24. Ge-wunade se geroefæ þe hē forlēte ēnne gebundenne consueverat praeses dimittere umim vinctum, Mt. R. 27, 15. B. trans. (The transitive character of the following is doubtful. In Angl. xii. 516, 25, where, if the passage is correct, the verb is certainly transitive, a word perhaps is omitted.) To cause to remain, give a permanent position to, fix, settle. I. of living creatures :-- Wǣron on þǣm ylcan ȳglande twēgen hrefnas gewunode there were two ravens that lived on that same island (but the Latin is: Erant in supradicta insula duo clites corvi. Aliti seems to have been read ?), Guth. Gr. 142, 23. Hēr is nēdran swēg, wyrmas gewunade adders have their home here, Sat. 103. II. of things :-- Yrre ne scealt þū tō lange on þīnre heortan gewunian (perhaps lǣtan should be supplied) thou shall not loo long give place to anger in thine heart, Angl. xii. 516, 25. Gif deór sȳ gewunad (cf. geseten, 16 for an intransitive participle) in ānre stōwe, Lch. iii. 30, 6. Gif men synd wænnas gewunod on ꝥ heáfod foran, 46, 21. ge-wunian