Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - gildan
Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :
- gildan
- Add: I. to pay. (l) to discharge an obligation, debt, &c. :-- Wid hē gulde ꝥ scyld donec redderet debitum, Mt. L. 18, 30: 34. (l a) with dat. of person paid :-- Ryhtlīcor wē magon cwedan dæt wē him gielden scylde donne wē him mildheortnesse dōn, Past. 335, 19. (l b) used absolutely :-- Ne hæfde hona gulde, Mt. L. 18, 25. Huona guldon, Lk. L. 7, 42. (2) to pay an impost (tax, tribute, &c.) :-- ꝥ him leófre wǣre tō feohtanne þonne gafol tō gieldanne, Ors. l, 10 ; S. 44, 14. (2 a) with dat. of person paid :-- Sió wiht (a ship) werum gielded gaful geára gehwām, Rä. 33, II. Ūs deáþ mycel gafol geald, Bl. H. 85, 12. Man geald ǣrest gafol Deniscan mannum, Chr. 991; P. 127, 3. Geldas dā de sint cæseres dǣm cāsere, Mk. L. R. 12, 17. Hié geniéddon ꝥ hié him gafol guidon, Ors. 10; S. 14, 19. Man sceolde gafol gyldon þām flotan. Chr. 1002; P. 133, 32. Þā nordmonnum niéde sceoldon gombon gieldan and gafol sellan, Gen. 1978. Gyldan, B. II. (3) to pay a legal exaction (wergild, wīte, &c.) :-- Mana þone þæs āngyldes; gif hē næbbe, gyld (gild, ) þū ꝥ āngylde. Ll. Th. i. 116, II. Gielde hē fut wīte, 128, 18. Gylde hē lahslit mid Deniscum, wīte mid Englum, 170, I : 172, 1: 384, 20. Gilde hē þæs cynges oferhȳrnesse . . . Gif hē ryht wyrcan nylle, ne þā oferhȳrnesse syllan . . . , 208, 26. Gielden his mǣgas þone wer, 148, 18. ꝥ man gulde ꝥ ceápgild, 208, 22. ꝥ hē þeófgyld ne gulde, 280, 13 : 294, 23. (3 a) with dat. of person paid :-- Gilde se borh þām teónde his ceápgyld, LI. Th. i. 282, 3 : 390, 23: 354, 31: 396, 2. (3 b) used absolutely :-- Sī þreóra ān . . . wergild . . . And beó þǣra þreóra swylc hit beó, gilde hē . . . , Ll. Th. i. 332, 19. Swā ford ꝥ ful golden sȳ, 174, 29. (4) where the object of the verb is (a) that which is used to pay with, to pay cash, &c. :-- Ðæt hē him gielde gōd weorc for dǣre giefe de hē him ǣr sealde, Past. 339, II. (b) the amount paid :-- Hē ǣlce geáre gyld .i. pund tō geswutelunga, C. D. ii. 300, 8. Seó burhwaru on Lundene guldon .xi. þūsend punda. Chr. 1018 ; P. 155, 12. Gesylle (v. l. gylde) hē .xxx. scill., Ll. Th. i. 204, 20: 208, ll. Gilde hē landrīcan .xx. ōran, 294, 17: 296, 2. Æt þām ōdrum tāum healf gelde, 20, 3. Se cyning hēt gyldan þām here .xxi. þūsend punda, Chr. 1014; P. 145, 25. ' Huu micel āht dū tō geldanne hlāferde mīnum ?' Hē cuoed: ' Hundteántih ombras oeles , ' Lk. L. 16, 5. (bb) to repay an amount taken or borrowed :-- Wēnstū gif hwā ōdrum hwæt gieldan sceal, hwæder hē hine mid dȳ gehealdan mæge dæt hé him nāuht māre on ne nime, ne dæt ne gielde dæt hē ǣr nam?, Past. 425, 1-3. Tuoege scyldgo (debitores) woeron sume rīce menn (feneratori), ān āhte tō geldanne penningas fīf hund, ōder fīfteih, Lk. L. 7, 41. (5) the manner or extent of payment given by an adverb (word, phrase, or clause) :-- Gif man mannan ofsleá, āgene scætte and unfācne feó gelde, Ll. Th. i. ID, 5. Ǽlc tihtbysig man gange tō þryfealdan ordāle, oþþe gilde feówergilde, 294, 10. Gilde hē .iii. gylde, 15. Ðā hwīle de hié peningas hæbben mid tō gieldanne, Past. 327, 18. II. with the idea of recompense, retribution, (a) to give reward, give as retribution :-- Sē þē eft gylded þā þū him ǣr forgeáfe, and ūs eallum gesealdest qui retribuet tibi retributionem tuam quam tu retribuisti nobis, Ps. Th. 136, 8. Hē him dǣda leán gielded, Gū. 95. Ceig dā wercmenn, and geld him meard, Mt. L. 20, 8. Bid golden retribuetur (ei juxta opera manmim suarum), Kent. Gl. 410 : retribuentur (justis bona), 463. (b) used absolutely , to reward, requite, give reward to (dat.) :-- Þū mīnre sāwle gyldest retribues in anima mea, Ps. Th. 130, 4. Gyld oferhȳdigum, swā hī ǣr grame worhton, 93, 2. Drihten wile ǣghwylcum ānum men gyldan and leánigean æfter his sylfes weorcum and dǣdum, Bl. H. 123, 34: Ps. Th. 102, 10. (bb) where the means of reward are given, to reward with (mid) :-- Hē þē mid wīte gielded, swilce þām ōdrum mid eádwelan, Fä. 19. Hē þē mid gōde gyldan wille uncran eaferan, B. 1184. III. to pay for, (I) with idea of gratitude, to repay, make grateful return for a benefit to a person (dat.) :-- Swā gē weord-myndu Dryhtne gieldad, Gū. 435. Geald þone gūdrǣs Geáta dryhten Iofore and Wulfe mid ofermādmum, B. 2991. Swētne medo Hnæfe guldon his hægstealdas, Fin. 40. Mē leánum mīne gife gyldan, Gen. 413: B. 2636. (l a) with clause :-- Gyld mē mid hyldo, þæt ic þē hneáw ne wæs, Gen. 2823. Þē wile gāsta weard lissum gyldan, þæt þē wæs leófra his sibb . . . , 2920. (1 b) of ungrateful return for a benefit :-- Woldon hié þæt feorhleán fācne gyldan, Exod. 150. (2) with idea of reprisal, to repay an injury, take vengeance for :-- Hē nǣnigum yfel wiþ yfele geald, Bl. H. 223, 33. Ne geald hē yfel yfele, El. 493. Him þæt swīde geald fædera Lothes, Gen. 2079. Folc Ebrēa guldon hyra fyrngeflitu fāgum swyrdum, Jud. 263. Gif hȳ him ne meahte māran sārum gyldan gyrnwræce, Gū. 405. (2 a) with clause :-- Gyldad mid gyrne, þæt heó ūssa goda meaht forhogde, Jul. 619. (3) with idea of compensation, reparation, &c. (a) to pay for property lost or wrongly held, an object improperly treated, a person improperly entertained :-- Ǽghwilcre sprǣce þe māre sȳ þonne .iiii. mancussas . . . gif hē ne dyrre (hine lādian), gylde hit (the subject of the suit) þrygilde, Ll. Th. i. 154, II. Gylde ꝥ hē mid belēd wæs (what he was charged with stealing), 354, 15. Sceáp sceal gongan mid his fliése od midne sumor, oþþe gilde ꝥ fliése mid twām pænirgum, 146, II. Gylde ꝥ pound; yrfe (stolen cattle), 352, 7. Sē þe ōdres mannes man underfō . . . gylde hine þǣm þe hē ǣr folgode, and gesylle þām cynge .cxx. scill., 220, 21 : 122, l. Gif ic gesealde land (land which ought to have gone in the male line) ǣnigre wīfhanda, þonne forgyldan mīne mǣgas . . . For don ic cweþe ꝥ hī hit gyldan . . . , Cht. Th. 491, 21-29. Gif mon āfelle on wuda wel monega treówu . . . foUNCERTAINgielde .iii. treówu ǣlc mid .xxx. scill. . . . Ne þearf hē hiora mā geldan, Ll. Th. i. 128, 22. Be ǣlces nȳtenes weorde gif hī losiad. Hors mon sceal gyldan mid .xxx. scill. . . . Ungesawene þing mon mōt mid āde gewyrdan, and syþþan be þām gyldan, 356, 1-7. (b) to pay for a criminal :-- Gif hē (an accused person) ꝥ ordāl forfleó, gilde se borh hine be his were, Ll. Th. i. 296, 5. (c) to pay wergild for a slain person :-- Gif wīteþeów hine forstalie, hō hine mon and ne gylde his hlāforde. Gif hine mon ofsleá, ne gylde hine mon his mǣgum, Ll. Th. i. 118, 6-8. Gielde hē hine þriddan dǣle . . . healfne dǣl hine gilde . . . ealne hē hine gylde, 120, 12-15. Gif Ænglisc man Deniscne ofsleá, gylde hine mid .xxx. pundum, 286, 21: 24. Gif man ofslægen weorde, gylde hine man swā hē geboren sȳ, 174, 15. Ne þearf hē hine būton be healfan were gyldan . . . healf wer ætfeald, 354, 19. (cc) where the object is omitted :-- Gif mannes esne eorlcundne mannan ofslæhd, þane þe sió (v. se; I. l g), þreóm hundum scill. gylde (he shall be paid for with three hundred shillings); se āgend þone banan āgefe and dō þǣr þrió manwyrd tō. Gif se bana odbyrste, feórde manwyrd hē tō gedō . . . Gif mannes esne frīgne mannan ofslæhd, þane þe sié, hund scillinga gelde; se āgend þone banan āgefe and ōder manwyrd þǣr tō. Gif bana odbyrste, twām manwyrdum hine man forgelde, Ll. Th. i. 26, 8 - 28, 8. [From these passages the manwyrd seems to have been 100s., as the payment for any eorlcund man is spoken of both as 300s. and as þrió manwyrþ, that for any free man as 100s, or as a manwyrd; in either case if the slayer could not be given up an additional manwyrþ had to be paid, making in the one case four, in the other two manwyrþ.] IV. of religious practice v. gild ; III. (l) with object, to pay a vow, pay homage to a divinity :-- On mē synd, God, þæt ic þē mīn gehāt on herenesse, hyldo gilde in me sunt, Deus, vota tua, quae reddam, laudationes tibi, Ps. Th. 55, 10. ꝥte ic gelde oest mīn, Rtl. 169, 7. (l a) absolute :-- Gehātad Drihtne, and him hrade gyldad, Ps. Th. 75, 8. Þē gedafenad, Drihten, þæt þē man on Sion herige and on Hierusalem gylde and gehāte (tibi reddetur votum in Hierusalem), 64, I. (2) without object, to worship, sacrifice to :-- Gif ceorl būton wīfes wīsdōme deóflum gelde. . . Gif būtwū deóflum geldad. . . Gif þeúw deóflum geldaþ (-eþ?), Ll. Th. i. 40, 4-7. Hit āwriten is be Salamone, hū hē . . . āfióll, emne od dæt hē dióflum ongan gieldan Salomon usque ad idolatriam cecidisse describitur, Past. 393, 15. Hē eorlum onmǣlde , . . þæt hié gegnunga gyldan sceolde, Dan. 212. Lupercalibus þǣm gildendum. Luperci vocantur illi sacerdotes qui ministrant deo qui vocatur Pan, Wrt. Voc. ii. 86, 54: 52, 40. v. ed-gildan. gildan