
Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - git

Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :


nom. You two, vos duo, σφwï, σφώ; gen. incer of you two, vestrŭm duorum, σφwïν σφwν; dat. inc to you two, vobis duobus, σφwïν σφwν; acc. inc. incit you two, vos duos, σφwï, σφώ; personal pron. dual of ðú thou :-- Gif git ðæt fæsten fýre willaþ forstandan if you two will protect that fastness from fire, Cd. 117; Th. 152, 16; Gen. 2521. Git me freóndscipe cýðaþ you two will shew friendship to me, 117; Th. 152, 3; Gen. 2514. Gyt nyton hwæt gyt biddaþ. Máge gyt drincan ðone calic ðe ic to drincenne hæbbe? Ðá cwǽdon hig, Wyt mágon [vos duo] nescitis quid [vos duo] petatis. Potestis [vos duo] bibere calicem quem ego bibiturus sum? Dicunt ei, [nos duo] possumus, Mt. Bos. 20, 22. Hwæt wylle gyt ðæt ic inc dó quid vultis [vos duo] ut faciam vobis [duobus]? 20, 32. Gelýfe gyt ðæt ic inc mæg gehǽlan [vos duo] creditis, quia hoc possum facere vobis [duobus]? 9, 28. Incer twega of you two; vestrŭm duorum, Exon. 123 b; Th. 475, 14; Bo. 47. Ne gehwæðer incer nor either of you two, Beo. Th. 1173; B. 584. Sý inc fiat vobis [duobus], Mt. Bos. 9, 29. Restaþ incit hér rest your two selves here, Cd. 139; Th. 174, 19; Gen. 2880. Git Iohannis thou and John, Exon. 121 b; Th. 467, 7; Hö. 135. [Laym. ȝit: Orm. ȝitt: O. Sax. git; dat. acc. inc: Goth. gen. igkwara; dat. acc. igkwis: Icel. it; gen. ykkar; dat. acc. ykkr.] git