
Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - gód

Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :


n. Add: I. that which is good. (1) whatever is good in itself, or beneficial in its effect. (a) what is right, virtuous, &c.:--Gód bið genge and wið God lenge, Gn. Ex. 121. God sceal wið yfele, Gu. C. 50. Ꝥ him ꝥ gód móte tó écum médum gegangan, ꝥ him his freónd æfter gedéþ, Bl. H. 101, 17. Ꝥ heofonlice ríce is geháten eallum þe nú syndan gódes wyrhtan, 111, 12. Þeáh hé gódes hwæt onginne gǽstlíce, Jul. 397: Met. 9, 62. Seó sáwl bið forð lǽdende eall þá weorc þe heó ǽfre gefremode gódes oððe yfeles. Gif þonne byð þǽra misdǽda má and þæs gódes tó lyt, Wlfst. 254, 2-5: Dóm. 43. Gódes oððe gáles, Cri. 1035. Hí sién ásigen tó yfele . . . þæt mód ne mæg áredian tó góde, Bt. 24, 4; F. 84, 28-34. Hé dyde máre yfel þonne gód, Bl. H. 43, 34. Hé nolde nán gód gehýran, Hml. Th. i. 534, 7. (b) what is beneficial, advantageous, pleasant, &c.:--Gódes and yfles ic cunnade, Víd. 51. Gódes and yfeles, . . . welan and wáwan, Gen. 465. Eów ǽfre ne bið þurh gife míne gódes onsién, Cri. 480. Ic geþolade gódes ealles, wonn módearfoða má, Hy. 4, 85. Onfóh þú þínum esne fægere mid góde elige servum tuum in bonum, Ps. Th. 118, 122. Ne mé ǽnig mid góde ongitan wolde noa erat qui agnosceret me, Ps. Th. 141, 4. Hé mé góde dohte, mé beág forgeaf, Víd. 89. Góde gewircean, feohgiftum, B. 20. Míne geornnesse mid góde þú gefyldest, Bl. H. 89, 5. Þæt icgód æt him begitan móte, Ps. Th. 121, 9: Gen. 2420. Gif wé gód underféngon of Godes handa, hwí ne sceole wé eác yfel underfón ?, Hml. Th. ii. 452, 31. (2) goodness, virtue, excellence:--Gif hit gewurþ þæt se anweald becume tó gódum men, hwæt biþ ðǽr lícwyrþe búton his gód, nas ðæs anwealdes? . . . hit biþ ðæs monnes gód, nas ðæs anwealdes, Bt. 16, 2; F. 50, 14-19. God simle biþ full gód, and ꝥ his good and sió his gesǽlþ him náhwonan útane ne cóm, 34, 7; F. 144, 20. (3) prosperous condition, well-being, good estate. (a) as a condition actually existing:--Unryhtlicu iersung is ðæt mon iersige on óðerne for his góde (on account of his prosperity), Past. 189, 8. Gif ðú hwene gesihst geðeón on góde . . . gif him hwæt mistímað, Hex. 44, 29. Forlǽt ðæt ðú næbbe tó óðres mannes góde andan, Progood, benefit resulting from something:--Heora nán him ne mehte bión náne góde (on nánum góde, v. l.), Ors. 6, 30; S. 282, 19. Cweþaþ cræftige men ꝥ him ꝥ tó góde cume, Lch. i. 88, 19. (5) tó góde (ge)dón to act so as to bring about a good result, to do good:--Hé ne mihte nán ðing tó góde gedón bona facere non poterat, Hml. Th. i. 534, 7. Ðeáh se mann ælmessan wyrce and fela tó góde gedó, 528, 29. Nán man ne déð bútan Gode nán ðing tó góde, 292, 36. Ásolcennys déð þæt ðám men ne lyst nán ðing tó góde gedón, ac gǽð him ásolcen fram ǽlcere dugeðe, ii. 220, 23: Chr. 81; P. 8, 8. II. a particular thing that is good. (1) something, material or non-material, that it is an advantage to attain or to possess:--Of ðǽre sóþan gesǽlþe cumað ealle ðá óþre gód . . . þá fíf gód . . . ꝥ is anweald and weorþscipe and foremǽrnes and genyht and blis, Bt. 34, 6; F. 140, 16-23. Ealle þá líchamlican gód, 24, 3; F. 84, 5. Þú mé noldest þanc witan mínra góda (my good gifts), Wlfst. 261, 10: Ph. 624: Cri. 1400: Gen. 546: Ps. Th. 102, 2. Þæt folc ne cúðe ðǽra góda þæt hí cwǽdon þæt hé God wǽre, ac sǽdon þæt hé wítega wǽre the people did not know of the advantages they had, to wit that they might call him God, but said he was a prophet, Hml. Th. i. 190, 31. Nát hé þára góda, þæt hé mé ongeán sleá, rand geheáwe he knows not of such advantages as striking at me, hewing my shield (Grendel could not do these things as he had no sword), B. 681. Weán dreógan, góda bedǽled, Sat. 186. Fremde from eallum ðǽm gódum þe þú ús gegearwodest, Bl. H. 233, 32. Hingriende hé mid gódum gefylde, Lk. 1, 53: B. 1861. Ðaette gé fore uueorolde sién geblitsade mid ðém weoroldcundum gódum and hiora sáula mid ðém godcundum gódum, C. D. i. 293, 35. (1 a) (the highest) good; summum bonum:--Swá hwæt swá ǽghwelc man ofer ealle óþre þing swíþost lufaþ, ꝥ biþ his héhste gód . . . Ne onsace ic náuht ꝥ þá gesǽlþa and seó eádignes sié þæt héhste gód þises andweardan lífes, Bt. 24, 3; F. 84, 11-15: 34, 3; F. 138, 5. (2) a good quality, virtue:--Críst ús ǽlces gódes bysene onstealde, Bl. H. 29, 7. Hí sceolon ðǽre sýfernysse gód bodian, Hml. A. 146, 60. (3) a good deed:--Þý lǽs hé ǽnig þára góda forylde þe hé þý dæge gedón mihte, Bl. H. 213, 24. Þá gód dón þe ús Godes béc lǽraþ, þæt is fæsten . . . and ælmessylena, 73, 26: 101, 22. Hé ne mihte dón þá gód þe hine man lǽrde, Gr. D. 324, 9: Past. 87, 4. Þæt wé bugon fram yfele and dón góda (bona), Coll. M. 33, 9. (3 a) of the services of the church:--Ðættæ mon unce tíde geuueorðiae on godcundum gódum and ǽc on aelmessan, C. D. i. 292, 32: 293, 3. Ic bidde hígon ðette hié ðás godcundan gód gedón fore hiora sáwlum, ðaet éghwilc messeprióst gesinge twá messan . . . and aeghwilc diácon áréde twá passione . . . Aec ic biddo hígon ðaet gé mé gemynen mid suilce godcunde góde suilce iów cynlic ðynce, 293, 28-294, 1. (4) property, wealth, goods:--Sum tó lyt hafað gódes grǽdig, Sal. 344. Ꝥ gé of mínum ágenum góde (mínes ágenes ǽhtes, v. l.) ágifan þá teóðunga ǽgðer ge on cwicum ceápe ge on þæs geáres eorðwæstmum . . . and þá biscopas ꝥ ilce dón on heora ágenum góde, Ll. Th. i. 194, 5-9. Yrfes hyrde góde mǽre, Gen. 2198: B. 1952. Hí lǽddon Loth and leóda gód, súðmonna sinc, Gen. 2016. Hé þǽr mycel gód tó gegaderode, Chr. 1065; P. 191, 24. (4 a) in pl., goods:--Ne gold ne seolfor ne þínra góda nán . . . ne þín boldwela ne nán þára góda þe þú iú áhtest, Seel. 58-60. Ꝥ wé gefyllon þæs þearfan wambe mid úrum gódum, Bl. H. 39, 30. Of hígna geménum gódum aet hám mon geselle .cxx. gesuflra hláfa, C. D. i. 293, 16. Þú hæfst mycele gód (feolo gódo, L., feolu góda, R., multa bona), Lk. 12, 19. v. feoh-, un-, unrím-, weorold-gód. god

Mots connexes: K. 33. (b) as a condition to be produced:--Hé dyde swá mycel tó góde intó ꝥ mynstre of Burh on golde and on seolfre swá néfre nán óðre ne dyde, Chr. 1066; P. 198, 16. Gemiltsa þín mód mé tó góde, Hy. 2, 2. Tó bealwe . . . tó góde, Cri. 1107: Verc. Först. 129, 28. For góde, R. Ben. 116, 20. Weard of heofonum þæt mód in ðæs gǽstes gód georne trymede, Gú. 78. (4)
